Petter is the luckiest guy on the planet...

F|burt|C said:
Ok, so I would nail the shit out of her, and she is very very attractive, but as far as very attractive women go I'm not impressed.

Her face isn't that great, so what, a petite girl with fake big boobs. Dime a dozen.

edit: actually... i'm having a tough time determining if they are fake or not
I was thinking the same thing. If those are fake, then they did an excellent job.
That by far is the best pair of tits I have ever seen.

O my.

Before that Uma Thurman had em. Step aside Uma.
orbital 123 said:
Why aren't you posting it then?
Because you guys are mean to me.

But seriously, its not has hot as it sounds. You just see tit's and his ass.
PJ said:
Because you guys are mean to me.

But seriously, its not has hot as it sounds. You just see tit's and his ass.

Think it through again, and go slower this time.