
Veteran XX


time: 1:00 pm-ish
date: 09-10-11
place: in the Mira Mesa are of San Diego
secret password: pm me, or tonyeltigre for address

bring: chairs, specialty beers (if you want a specific brand of beer)
we may ask that you bring a cooler (not sure yet)

what's provided: food, booze, nerds, sausages, chicken balls, monster trucks, fun time happy hugs and loving rainbows

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I guess large amounts of sausage collapsed the probability wave function around your head into a discrete, quantifiable perspective. Bravo.
The bighead singularity is a sign of the end-times. I'm stockpiling food as we speak. As probability wave functions collapse upon themselves, our universe will become non-deterministic. Quantum chaos will reign on a macro scale and all will be turned to disorder.

His head will be the catalyst that brings the song that will end the world.
You guys are dicks. Please die.

Mofo is doing something nice for the community and all you faggots do is shit on him.