[SO] Lost my gun virginity...

My name is midge midge midge
I have the brain of a budgie
I like to take it in the butt
give my prostate a nudgie wudgie

You know I think think think
That you will be outsmarted
My halitosis osis osis
Smells like a yak just farted

I hate the U S of A
But I can't stay away
Cuz in my big truck of poop
I do the woop dee doop

I wave my arms and yell
Going herp dee derp dee derp
I am only 4t feet tall
I'm a sad sack little twerp

I don't like shooting guns
cuz an arrow is much beta
I like to stroke my pud
I'm an expert masterbator

So if you call me out out out
I'll whine and shout shout shout
I'll do a dipshit dance
Then I'll soil my pants

I'm a desert agitator
An expert masturbator
So i'll catch you later
With my brain just like a tater

I'm the midge midge midge
the tiny midge midge midge
the angry midge midge midge
the useless MiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiDGE- yah
Time is an illusion
Ticky ticky tock
Grading time for value is
The pastime of a cock -
A doodle dee?
A doodle doo?
Time is like a truck
that moves a pile of poo
Thing is Savid Javid, in the civilised world outside your poop truck paradise, being nervous and careful around moslems is generally considered sensible. Wearing bomb vests around like a drunken spastic is not 'macho', it's a pastime reserved for pube-bearded backward hicks whose teeth point in all different directions. So thanks for once again living up to the stereotype. Now run along and pretend that scheduling trucks is a legitimately rare and valuable skill that provides meaningful improvement for the lives of people around you, KTHX.

fixed up a rusty old post 4u, plas :cool:
probably could have done it 5 years earlier if everything was divisible by 10, rather than 12, 3, 1760 etc...

fractional all splits on itself, v much easier 2 measure and estimate things on the fly (this is important 4 ppl w/ real jobs that produce real things); not good for finger counters like u, i'm afraid
fractional all splits on itself, v much easier 2 measure and estimate things on the fly (this is important 4 ppl w/ real jobs that produce real things); not good for finger counters like u, i'm afraid

This post is so dumb I thought it must be Juggletits.
This post is so dumb I thought it must be Juggletits.

name calling is much easier than flexing ur massive intellect explaining why decimalization is easier 2 use in the field (aka the places u never been where real ppl do real things) than units based off of halving what u already have on hand, isn't it mitch, you infantile inbred imbecile?
name calling is much easier than flexing ur massive intellect explaining why decimalization is easier 2 use in the field (aka the places u never been where real ppl do real things) than units based off of halving what u already have on hand, isn't it mitch, you infantile inbred imbecile?

WTF. 10 feet divided by 2 is 5 feet. 10 metres divided by 2 is 5 metres. With me so far?

A KM is 1000m so 17KM is 17,000m. A mile is 1760 yards so how many yards is 17 miles? I'll wait while you get your calculator. I did the rest without even my fingers :rolleyes:
1 quart divided by 2 is 1 pint
1 pint divided by 2 is 1 cup

do you measure things by the foot when cooking?

with me so far?

1 inch divided by 16 is 1/16"
twice that is 2/16" (aka 1/8")

do you measure by the mile when working on furniture and appliances?

with me so far?

you want it decimalized b/c ur a finger counter who needs tens b/c he sucks at grade school arithmetic, and u have no experience in the real world where u would have learned the value of fractional measurements
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