So, What did I miss?

If anything, I see the goons and company being the next target after BoB. They're starting to put themselves in the position of becoming the next big, bloated alliance. I for one don't really care for how nap-happy they have gotten.
Not a BoB fanboi in the slightest here pickle, I just dislike Goonfleet that much more. While BoB have been good to MC I've also run into a few of their less intelligent members and words were exchanged. As far as I'm concerned the worse of two evils is Goonfleet though.

Also lets not try to sugar coat RA logoff\on and Goon lag "tactics" either. Or the D2 forum hacks trying to get players IP addresses. The Coalition is no better than any other large alliance with alternative methods of winning. No one is clean in this quagmire at all.

Just watch what the future brings. You think an entrenched BoB will be a difficult thing to remove from the face of Eve? Try a year from now when Goons are entrenched, have the isk, industrial base, skill points and player skills in addition to their numbers.
Also lets not try to sugar coat RA logoff\on and Goon lag "tactics" either. Or the D2 forum hacks trying to get players IP addresses. The Coalition is no better than any other large alliance with alternative methods of winning. No one is clean in this quagmire at all.

i dont know how this idea was originated, but kudos to them for convincing so many people that any of that is anywhere equivalent to the bullshit bob pulls everyday
I don't understand why you think everyone is allied to the Goons. Maybe, just maybe, D2 and friends are down kicking BoB because they were sick and tired of being called a joke.

Unless, of course, D2 has openly stated that they are now part of the Coalition. I dunno.
Not that big of a stretch. D2 is currently going after BoB friends and assets. Even if you're not officially aligned with The Coalition you're definately helping them. Also, the perceived image is that the Goons are one of the major ring leaders in this whole shin dig so people see you as allied with them. Sorta like how MC is seen as a BoB pet. Might not be the truth of it but its what people see.
Not that big of a stretch. D2 is currently going after BoB friends and assets. Even if you're not officially aligned with The Coalition you're definately helping them. Also, the perceived image is that the Goons are one of the major ring leaders in this whole shin dig so people see you as allied with them. Sorta like how MC is seen as a BoB pet. Might not be the truth of it but its what people see.
I think most people have a little more intelligence than you appear to be showing. I'm slightly surprised to see you posting in this manor of ignorance lately. Most people are aware, that as soon as BoB is gone, all the current Coalition will go back to pew pew at each other like they did before. To think otherwise would be illogical and just plain fucking STUPID. MC and the other "BoB Pets" however have never been engaged in any conflicts with BoB. So it would appear you are trying to compare Apples with Grapes.
I'm showing as much intelligence as the rest of Eve is showing towards The MC these days tbh. You're trying to distance yourself from Goons. Fair enough. MC tries to say don't shoot our shit and we'll stay out of it and what happens? Razor hits our cyno poses and AAA comes raiding J8. What would have ultimately happened? Guess we'll never know now. Odds are MC would have holed up in J8 and mined our hearts out while kicking out anyone wandering in. We did it for the ASCN war and we probably would have done it here as well.

Anyways, point is we call you Goon allies and you get defensive. You call MC a BoB pet and we get defensive. Works both ways. Not trying to be condescending mind you, I'm just trying to clear up some stuff is all regarding my own alliance right now. :hrm:
If MC wants to appear innocent in all of this then why were they taking contracts when the war broke out? As soon as D2 sent there 20+ freighters towards Fountain, MC should have stopped their contract against the north right then and there, refunded the money and made a post on Eve-o stating they are terminating the contract and why.

The very fact that MC didn't do this shows they were never neutral.

And whats this about Goon lag exploits? There was a spy on the LV teamspeak server during the JV1V raid, the same raid that lead to the destruction of their capital ship yard and the in production titan. The LV leadership was actively encouraging their members to keep logging on and off in hopes of crashing the node. The only reason Goon & Friends were able to get in and destroy that ship yard was because they didn't try to cycle log (and thus were not knocked back to the end of the log in queue).

The only thing the Goons are guilty of is bringing large amounts of members to engagements. This is surely nothing anyone could blame them for, as any corp or alliance will try to bring as many members to a fight as possible.
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Now now, don't try to bring reasoning into this. This conflict is simply a case of the entire Eve universe being jealous of BoB's skill points.
We were paid to do a job and we did it to the best of our ability. As a merc that's what we should have done and what we ultimately did. Client first, catering to mob mentality second. I'd also have to check the time line but I don't believe the north was moving or active in the war just then. It was just a standard empire shoot'm up contract with some forays into 0.0. The situation changed towards the end of the contract. We finished it, packed up and moved home while AAA was already knocking into some of our POSes I might add.

Problem is right now that if we take any contract we're going to be pissing on someones boots on either side of the conflict. After the northern contract was over the general mentality within MC was to let the whole damn thing blow over while we care beared it up in J8. We did it during the ASCN war. We were hoping that the masses would leave us be but that wasn't the case.

Oh and as far as Goon lagsploits go? I guess you didn't hear about a bunch of their members loading up a ton of bookmarks into their holds so if they popped it would lag the local grid to crap. Or can spamming in general. Or the whole spamming in local thing with "fofofofo". Or their own use of their using their high numbers to lag the nodes to death. LV used Goons own tactics against them? Not gonna cry over that one. Not going to get started in with LV either mind you. LV is just another alliance as far as I'm concerned. I personally won't lose any sleep over their demise or success because I don't know much about them tbh.
I enjoyed the person that hacked the MM server today and started kicking everyone during our op against MC/BOB/Fix. shall we blame the whole league of weasels for that one?
Now that is completely fucked up. I hope you guys find out who it was and he gets banned from his own nutsack.
Oh and as far as Goon lagsploits go? I guess you didn't hear about a bunch of their members loading up a ton of bookmarks into their holds so if they popped it would lag the local grid to crap. Or can spamming in general. Or the whole spamming in local thing with "fofofofo".

How many of these things were found to be true by GM's? I believe the answer is between 0 and 0. Or do you really believe that 6 characters of text on the unassociated chat server are going to lag you out. The image I'm getting of you writhing your hands in anger over the lagsploits is just hilarious.
How many of these things were found to be true by GM's? I believe the answer is between 0 and 0. Or do you really believe that 6 characters of text on the unassociated chat server are going to lag you out. The image I'm getting of you writhing your hands in anger over the lagsploits is just hilarious.

The GM's have actually asked the Goons several times to stop doing that crap so while you might find it funny the GMs didn't. I call it like I see it. Not angry at all but of course you'll tell yourself different because you find it funny. Hey as long as you're happy though. :bigthumb:
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Really? So you've been there? Because I'm trying to remember the last time MC was up against goons and it didn't involve camping Jita.
Yep, we've visited the Goons twice at least. Last contract I do remember a bunch of RA log offs, a lot of Goons with some very odd load outs getting blown up and the occasional BS blob trying to chase our ceptor gang all over the place. Was rather amusing actually.
Goons dont 'hate' the playerbase as much as they love their community. Cmon, it would be the EXACT same as if we had a corp made of 200 tw'ers. Besides a very few, we wouldn't care what the rest of the eve community did or thought.
The best thing for MC would be if BoB loses and dies off, seriously.

Right now you have ZERO contract opportunities from any real alliance that isn't a BoB pet.