<StK> on Tichondrius

brett totally outperformed me last night
i dont get it how he has so many more casts with his limited mana pool. early shadow fiend + veiled shadows?

no trinket usage, no CoH glyph, no lightwell glyph, not enough PoH and using way too much renew = me fail
it's ok, zeph is just jelly, all those epics and still not ranked anywhere. top 38th fury war on magmaw what what. now my RP BE War can rest under the sunflower blossom of my soul.
I'll help maintain the site if you guys want. I do a fair amount of site maintenance/content addition already on various work sites/portals.
way to keep it constructive oh wise one...
what was that about causing problems?

its a learning curve, im slow. im having a difficult time as it is, i REALLY need shit from you, you know? it just makes everything more awesomer.

i am, JM5K

Depends on the fight, and group makeup. I've been alternating between holy/shadow-

I've been using 6/33/2 spec.

I need to reglyph divine spirit into lolwell, but with poh/renew as primes, coh/mass dispel/dispel as majors, i was pulling like 11k-13k overall during the magmaw fight (depends on how bad people were being at standing in shit), and never went oom until the VERY end (1 resto shaman for mana tide).

Pop your mana abilities on magmaw early, first head phase is a great time, stop healing completely before the second head phase (if any dps are damaged entering that, they should be using the f'ing lolwell), by the 3rd head phase both are pretty much up. Head phases are also great for mana regen period.

On omnitro, you have to be riding archanotrons ass so the second he drops his mana pool thing, you are standing in it (1000 mana per second?), its part of the mechanic, and same thing with popping mana abilities fairly early, you get 2x of each per fight as a rule).

Gearing is pretty important, everything has to have spirit, or its a bust. I'm all ilvl 346 in healing, with the exception of my pos wand. I use the +300 spirit flask, and the +90 spirit food, everytime.

Make sure you have timing down of his aoe abilities, and we've been having ranged group up, so my white ground healing spell hits the maximum amount of people (as does healing rain, and the druids green ground healing).

Besides staying in aoe chakra the whole time, its really not hard. PoH hits hard, and with a decent amount of mastery (and glyph) it gives a pretty good hot on top of it. Make sure you are in a group with a resto shaman, we get a huge mp5 boost from mana tide (moreso than the other healing classes I think, we have the most in combat mp5).

Magmaw is an awesome priest healing fight, and omnitron has its high moments where we really shine too. If priests aren't outhealing druids and shamans every time on aoe fights, you are doing something wrong ;o Paladins will beat me every time on trash as a rule, or non aoe damage fights (haven't seen one yet really).

edit- from looking at your character sheet, why so much mastery? EJ has you "stacking haste until 12.5" so renew gets an extra tick, but fuck renew. Mastery comes on gear, but more haste = more casts period. I've had great luck with alot of haste so far.
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ive been looking at my spec and thinking about dropping that renew talent (shorter gcd) and SoR, maybe pick up veiled shadows. not having CoH glyph is a pretty huge oversight lol, i havent even bought it yet. ive got dust in my bags but that didnt do much, doh. lightwell glyph is pretty big now considering how good lightwell is.

on magmaw, i was able to predict the movement and get a sanctuary down almost all the time. the timing wasnt an issue. i had sanctuary down and PoH primed on a few of the lava aoe spell things. on omnotron, i definitely could improve Generator (whatever the mana regen spell is) awareness.

i could improve my chakra uptime. make sure to use trinket on heavy raid healing. more PoH, less CoH, less Renew. earlier shadowfiend for 2x usage. being better about serendipity wouldnt hurt, im sure.

neither brett or i had the shammy and i almost asked to switch groups, probably should have considering priest effectiveness on the fight. the pallies had the shaman...

as far as gear, i keep getting mastery pieces! i know that's not what i should be going for and i reforge (i have to fix a couple pieces tonight). but yeah, i'm kind of at the "take what you can get" phase. im aware haste is where its at.

thx for feedback
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nothing wrong with using coh, its 1gcd, renew isn't bad, and pom is always awesome

I wouldn't drop the renew gcd for 2 veiled shadows

desperate prayer blows, and to me, always has, and is esp this expansion. Its a weak heal that is used when you have already been failing. I have 1/2 body and soul, mainly because the cure poison effect only works on yourself, and no one else (how many poison effects are there that are dispellable in 25m so far that others can't get?)

I also use inner will now, and not IF, just because i'm throwing aorund alot of renews/pom/coh

I'll keep try to remember to screenshot my healing breakdown if i heal 25 again
wtf is the deal with all the war nerfs... first what was it, 17% dmg reduction across the board when cata first came out. Then HS dmg is getting hit which I can understand...I guess since it's supposed to be a rage dump.

Now raging blow is 80% weapon dmg instead of 110%? Yeah, lets make a sub par attack even worse now. Even with the new HS I'd rather use that then this pos move that was rarely in top 3 of my dmg. This even more so puts fury Mastery lower on the list of anything. :[

edit at this point I might as well start trying out some SMF weapons

noooo my zin

also I hardly pvp but lol at juggernaut change
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wtf is the deal with all the war nerfs... first what was it, 17% dmg reduction across the board when cata first came out. Then HS dmg is getting hit which I can understand...I guess since it's supposed to be a rage dump.

Now raging blow is 80% weapon dmg instead of 110%? Yeah, lets make a sub par attack even worse now. Even with the new HS I'd rather use that then this pos move that was rarely in top 3 of my dmg. This even more so puts fury Mastery lower on the list of anything. :[

edit at this point I might as well start trying out some SMF weapons

noooo my zin

also I hardly pvp but lol at juggernaut change

I think this is a good change. It eliminates the need to go to berserker stance in PVP so tactical mastery is no longer as desired (since you will mostly stance switch for shield wall). It makes Blitz a much more interesting talent as well. The 1-second stun on charge was a waste of diminishing returns anyway. Stunning two targets for 3 seconds is much more valuable.

Obviously, having both charge and intercept is preferred for mobility. But what will the 4-pc warrior pvp set bonus do now? If it reduces the CD on both intercept and charge... 10 second charge with 3 second stun on two targets that generates 25 rage?