The Ten Principles of a Free Society

Why does the government have to get involved with the safety of coal miners? Why can't the coal mining industry do this?

It's not in the best interest of the industry, only the miners.

Why do people even ask questions like this. We have hundreds of years to look back at how it wasn't done until regulations to get those answers.
It's not in the best interest of the industry, only the miners.

Why do people even ask questions like this. We have hundreds of years to look back at how it wasn't done until regulations to get those answers.

I disagree. Of course it is in the best interests of the company. If you have Coal Companies A, B, C that have stellar safety records, who is going to work for Coal Company D with horrendous safety records?
Why does the government have to get involved with the safety of coal miners? Why can't the coal mining industry do this?

Why does the government have to regulate the car industry telling them how efficient engines have to be? Why does the government have to regulate the speed cars are allowed to travel at when they're in school zones?
I disagree. Of course it is in the best interests of the company. If you have Coal Companies A, B, C that have stellar safety records, who is going to work for Coal Company D with horrendous safety records?

Go read the history of business with 16+ hours days and child labour. You're living in a fantasy world where your assumptions are true. You're assumptions are false, and the reality of history bares this out.
Why does the government have to regulate the car industry telling them how efficient engines have to be?
Good question!

Why does the government have to regulate the speed cars are allowed to travel at when they're in school zones?
To protect the children crossing the street.

Why am I required by law to wear a seat belt in my car, but I am not required to wear a helmet on my motorcyle?
The dumber we get, the more government we need to hold our hand!

It's terrible that the US is being reduce to this.
rich people are evil

everybody knows this

They aren't evil, but I like to think if I had F you money like the top 1% I wouldn't consider myself an American at all, I would abuse it for all its worth and move on if needed.

Which is sort of what they are doing. We have citizens of the world, not just of a nation, conning people into doing what best serves the top 1% at the cost of everyone elsel
They aren't evil, but I like to think if I had F you money like the top 1% I wouldn't consider myself an American at all, I would abuse it for all its worth and move on if needed.

Which is sort of what they are doing. We have citizens of the world, not just of a nation, conning people into doing what best serves the top 1% at the cost of everyone elsel

No, they are evil. You don't get that wealthy unless you screw over a lot of people. Truly ethical people rarely get wealthy. By ethical I mean Christian ethics, and I mean traditional Biblical Christianity.
To protect the children crossing the street.

Then by your logic, parents shouldn't send kids to schools that require them to cross the street.

There's a reason why the government regulates shit, it's because the businesses have a history of not doing it. Look at child labor, 16 hour work days, minimum wage and so many others.
I'm sure this would work wonderfully if every human being was a rational actor willing to look out for the best interests of themselves, their nation, and the planet.
I am starting to think that it's a good thing that some of you guys aren't filthy rich...

You sound much worse than most of the top 1% actually are (*whispers: I've seen documentaries on them y'know...).
America is based on "enlightened" self interest. It was designed that way because the Founders believed that humans were basically bastards who would screw each other over for a few cents and they wanted to make a system in which that mindset would make us shine. Haven't you read the Federalist Papers?

The problems begin when the dollar becomes more important than human life. Before corporations people were held accountable for their business practices, and as the country industrialized and more and more people worked for these big businesses the workers became bloody gristle in the cogs of their machine. If a person fell into the meat grinder it wasn't a big deal. People could sell bleached meat that was half rat feces and dead children, but no one did anything because they made a few dollars doing it.

We have laws that punish those that rob or harm us. Government intervention in these matters is simply an extension of that to keep society or soulless corporations from exploiting or harming us.

I hear conservatives saying they want to lower the restrictions on businesses, but you never hear them wanting to lower restrictions on individuals. They want to limit what women can do with their own bodies, or the plants you can use or who you are allowed to love. They pander to the rich and the religious right and the rest of you can get fucked for all they care.