Tribes : Ascend

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The speedcap in alpha was like 278 or 287. I guess they might have lowered it to try to make chasing actually possible? Now it will just be even more impossible to grab!
Playing on your own map will only be useful to a certain point since the physics are changed in some aspects when you connect to a hirez server.
What I didn't really see is anyone with a incredible praise for the game... which as a developer I would be hugely concerned with... but it seems like HR is just sticking with their plans (everyone ELSE is wrong of course)...

They did the same thing with GA in the alpha. People tried to reason with them and they responded with something along the lines of "GUYS REALLY WE KNOW WHAT WERE DOING WERE PROFESSIONALS".
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From one of the testers in an Alpha patch feedback thread where they introduced upgradable turrets.

About sums it up.
The art kicks ass. Other than the terrain being a bit meh, the art direction (Sean, I guess) is pretty awesome. The models, weapons, and buildings look ace.

Most of the stuff looks decent although the heavy chain gun (and lack of chain gun in general for light\medium) kinda sucks. Don't like the tacked on pinwheel in front.
art is fine

speed and feel is a long way off imo...shame if they aint listening cause it really needs 50% more jets and more momentum/speed

as it is i cant see the game being very enjoyable
But they need another weapon. Having a repair class be stuck with just one gun is ridiculous.

And regen needs to change. If the disc becomes strong enough for chasers to be able to catch up to a capper, then the regen makes for heavies to be the #1 best choice for capping.

This is what Hi-Rez and the global agenda people who have never played Tribes don't understand. The stupid weapon limits just ruin the game. They think it will force more teamplay. No it just ruins the gameplay.

The auto regen is another stupid nerf. They should talk to the Legions guys because they spent tons of times trying to balance the game with the auto regen. Instead of nerfing the game with these things, just add some cool deployables and weapons that are newb attractants. Quit trying to make the game easier by changing the way it plays. We've all seen this story played out over the years.
The whole idea of weapon limits and fixed loadouts goes against the very idea of a "skill based" game. I promise you that alot more people will realize that if you defeat someone simply because you had a "scissor" loadout against their "paper" one. There is no real skill involved.
art is fine

speed and feel is a long way off imo...shame if they aint listening cause it really needs 50% more jets and more momentum/speed

as it is i cant see the game being very enjoyable

Sad thing is they're so far along in their dev cycle they won't change a fucking thing which is what so many of us said early in the process. But too many people were all about "give them a chance! wait for beta!".
Sad thing is they're so far along in their dev cycle they won't change a fucking thing which is what so many of us said early in the process. But too many people were all about "give them a chance! wait for beta!".

i would like to call the courts attention to a point, whitewhale was amongst this group of 'give them a chance' people.

although, i was fairly hopefully when i first heard about it too. i'll admit that. went down fucking hill pretty fast though.

also of note, their forums got really boring after they banned me :).
They expect things to be totally different when the beta is played by people who have never played Tribes. When they don't see anyone online that will be the magic moment when things start getting addressed.

Or they'll be lots of people online who never played Tribes and they will be vindicated.........I wonder which view is right!?
They expect things to be totally different when the beta is played by people who have never played Tribes. When they don't see anyone online that will be the magic moment when things start getting addressed.

in alpha were there ever 16v16 games? i just can't understand how if there were full games that these issues weren't completely obvious.

i just don't get it.
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