when russia invades ukraine

They're having to beg Lithuania and Poland to send Ukrainian men back so they can fight.

600k? Sounds low :cool:
lower the draft to 18 and they'll have plenty of bodies

they'd love to have 18 yo US troops there but don't want to draft theirs
Russia banned RUMBLE
If you don't watch RUMBLE videos
You're a Russian Simp

Looking at you MoscowKitty

lol @ libtards pretending to care about violent criminals being release in Russia while woke judges actively do the same thing here

There is so much history of criminals being let loose for war. It would be really interesting if there was some analysis of how they are in society after with lots of data ect. That is one area of society where a personality like that could be useful. In Platoon they had that one psycho killer guy who had the racoon pelt hat, like Davey Crocket. Yet him being so murderous made him a really good guy to share a foxhole with when shit hit the fan.

I've said similar things about police too. I want police to go by the book, be professional, and I like body cams, but you really need some physically large hyper aggressive assholes who were all bullies in high school on the force, because they face criminals.