Which entity is primarily at fault for the rise of far left ideologies?

That's not an argument, it's just simple contradiction.

I'm not saying it's healthy or positive, but indoctrination REQUIRES learning. Humans are TAUGHT that the holocaust happened, that Jews don't control the media, that evolution isn't bullshit, and the earth isn't flat.

Those things are learned, making indoctrination, by definition, absolutely education. To use your word, it is you that is assuming things, with no evidence, argument, or defense.

Gg, it was fun, go ahead and pull through.

ftfy :cool:
Why do you magats insist on lying about everything? I'm a National-Socialist, not a dimwit conservative christian idiot. Nothing has changed, except as I've gotten older I've realized just how much this shit ideology called capitalism that you clowns promote has hurt all of Western civilization. It's an unmitigated disaster that has literally gotten our societies into a state of collapse in just a couple hundred years. But you absolute bellends continue to believe the fantasy that "just as soon as you are rich, you'll show everybody". You'll never be wealthy. The system is designed to prevent that AND funnel all the money to the top.
Did it ever occur to you that most Americans are fine with not being rich. Or, well, that is how we used to be but after years of Jewish propaganda - propaganda I might add, that you have fallen prey to - that told the people that wealth is the only true goal of capitalism, and freedoms from the State are hogwash; it is better to be a slave to the State than allow some people a chance to gain wealth.

The younger generations now believe that the equality of suffering and pain is better for society as a whole, than allowing private citizens an opportunity to own their labor, bargain with it, and a chance to make good money. The only requirement is for us to give up all our liberties to the State so they can FORCE this collective equal suffering and pain amongst all of us. Darn those wealthy people to heck!

To HECK, I say to that!
i can't believe young people look at a housing market and middle class that's been boomered and think maybe this shit aint working

what's goin thru their heads
string and cup communal style because nobody wants to invent an iPhone just to pay a 100% wealth tax :cool:
whats wrong with these kids why wont they save up for a 500k starter home working at $20/hr
maybe they'll get angry and dumb enough they'll send a hand grenade to washington

wouldnt that be something
We need to burn the whole system to the ground and then kids will be able to buy homes
Deep state is irrelevant bro we gotta eliminate capitalism so kids can buy houses. It's dire out there!!!
That's not an argument, it's just simple contradiction.

I'm not saying it's healthy or positive, but indoctrination REQUIRES learning. Humans are TAUGHT that the holocaust never happened, that Jews control the media, that evolution is bullshit, and the earth is flat.

Those things are learned, making indoctrination, by definition, absolutely education. To use your word, it is you that is assuming things, with no evidence, argument, or defense.

Gg, it was fun, go ahead and pull through.
“Kieran Egan, the educational philosopher I mentioned before, said that what distinguishes education from indoctrination is “openness of inquiry.” So here is the diagnostic test: when teachers present ideas, beliefs and values as unquestionable truths, that's a good sign indoctrination is at work.“

So I kinda agree with you, but education is not indoctrination but they are related