TW low-t beta male clubhouse

Aww how cute, Billybob throwing out some more hate on every post on my Testosterone level, just as any self-disrespecting lame beta noodle-armed Twink would do :lol:

See the below quote for my original post? The TRT reversed all of these symptoms completely. The mood and energy levels started climbing back up within 2 weeks. Libido followed closely. I stayed on 100mg/WK for the first 8-10 weeks then bumped it to around 150-170mg/WK for the following treatment cycle and I've stayed at that level since. Ill report back with my blood work soon but judging by my levels at 100mg, I expect I'm in the 500-600 range now. Definitely not supraphysiologic by any stretch. I'm probably where I was in my late 20s?? Just a hunch.

I'm recognizing now it also had an effect (as predicted) on my lean mass. I'm 186 now, same weight as last July, but I can see a pretty decent difference in the mirror and when comparing photos of myself to last summer. Shoulders more defined, veins in my arms popping more, and I'm just leaner in general. The thing is, I did a bulk over the winter and I'm on a cut now so I'm not saying the testosterone itself is the main cause, but its gotta help.

Went from high libido, high energy, good mood regulation, high productivity, good performance in the gym.... to basically the opposite of all that.
Please describe further. Got my annual T test next week. Just in case I drop below boss alpha level 🤣
Testosterone levels are different per person and no @blackpeople its not ED. You could WANT to fuck bad but still be a limp noodle. Lower testosterone which starts dropping at 40 usually some others it’s earlier. By age 45 it’s half. You could also have a fairly high testosterone level and still feel down/tired/no sexual desire.
You either age or there is the alternative. If someone wants to do something about it fucking go for it. Your level as a man isn’t based on testosterone levels and that’s obvious from this thread.
ED is when you wanna fuck but can't get your dick hard. I didn't have that issue. My issue was that I didn't want to fuck.
stoners are part of the low T clubhouse and they don't even know it

puff puff 420 git st0ned errry d@y amirite
Is that a real thing or you're just bullshitting? I'm a casual smoker, never considered it would impact T levels.
Maybe.... not

Does weed cause low testosterone?

Abstract. Marijuana has been reported to have several effects on the male reproductive system. Marijuana has previously been linked to reduced adult testosterone, however, a study in Denmark reported increased testosterone concentrations among marijuana users.
Is that a real thing or you're just bullshitting? I'm a casual smoker, never considered it would impact T levels.
Not if you live in Denmark apparently. But it goes back to desire. You can have higher T and still lower desire,laziness.
Fact.. shit you don't suspect is guilty

A variety of medication classes including but not limited to statins, antidepressants, chemotherapeutics, opioids, antifungals and certain hypertension medications can lower testosterone levels.Feb 1, 2024