Godzilla! Huge Earthquake in Japan

The ground is still shaking on and off here 12 hours after the first quake. I have a feeling that this will continue for quite some time.

After seeing all the buildings hold up like they did though, one thing is for sure...

Japanese engineers are seriously underpaid.
PK has Okinawa been on the news at all there?

Haven't heard from my ex on Ishigaki yet.
We as a society focus on the only the negatives after a disaster like this.

How many are dead, how much was destroyed, how much will we have to spend to rebuild, etc. Too much emotion. Not enough journalism.

Don't tell me that 80,000 people COULD POTENTIALLY die. Tell me that 19 people are confirmed dead and what I should do to avoid that. Don't show me footage of waves destroying a neighborhood, show me what I can do to save my own life.

It's like the media takes whatever we're looking at and shows us the absolute most passionate interpretation of it for ratings. Calm, accurate information simply doesn't sell.

Are we talking about people or the media?
Are we talking about people or the media?

Part of me wants to argue that people follow the media like its gospel, and the other part of me wants to argue that media shows people what they want to see. It makes it difficult for me to determine who is more detrimental to the growth and success of humanity as a species.

Edit: Again, this is just my personal opinion.
all i know is the tsunami footage is some serious end of the world shit

that's got to be some of the craziest shit i've ever seen...

in person i would flip the FUCK out
I almost never watch the news. I'm on BBC's website viewing this just because it's awesome, so.. I agree that the media is pretty ridiculous, but this is merely coverage of what's happening. Telling me what to do to survive if I were in japan right now would definitely make me change the channel.
all i know is the tsunami footage is some serious end of the world shit

that's got to be some of the craziest shit i've ever seen...

in person i would flip the FUCK out

This I was watching last night/ this morning... whole buildings demolished.. cats and dogs living together...
I almost never watch the news. I'm on BBC's website viewing this just because it's awesome, so.. I agree that the media is pretty ridiculous, but this is merely coverage of what's happening. Telling me what to do to survive if I were in japan right now would definitely make me change the channel.

You don't have to be in Japan to want to learn how to survive a major natural disaster. Call me crazy, but I'd rather be prepared ahead of time, not after the fact. That seems to be the sad state of humanity right now. We just don't learn from anything. After the first, second, third, fourth times, etc.

But props on actually giving a sound argument and opinion. You are the minority :)
as one

:lol: @ 35 boats sunk and harbors destroyed from a 1 foot wave

american engineering right there folks