Help a lurker understand you ppl..

I'll just leave this little gem here :)

NoGodForMe said:
I've screwed Laurie when she's asleep, but there's no way you can do every thing that guy was.

When you start playing with their hole, they wake up. When you stick it in, they sort of wake up, but then go back to sleep.

I actually found out about this by accident. We both went to bed and she fell asleep, but I was still horny, so I screwed her and it was great. Now she wakes up because she's caught on. Laurie says she was awake all the time, probably true.
anyone else bothered by the fact that after lurking this website for 2 years "NGFM posts" is the first question he has
oh my god is this skippy aka ace (his real name) aka that dutch twat who fucked off halfway through a match to answer the door to his drug dealer leaving us down 3 men in a 5v5 only 2 come back and say 'o we havent lost yet?'