Help a lurker understand you ppl..

ya pry

it was about that time that we realised that of the 7 or so people even remotely interested in playing, at least 3 would be too out of their skulls to actually perform @ any point in time

which was a day after i registed the team-ism url

o well at least i got to play as marxism for a while :roller:

NoGodForMe, one of our highest quality poster. Though obviously you don't lurk enough.
He's one of the most consistently retarded people here. A large group of people here find him amusing and enjoy seeing his shit views.
He's one of the most consistently retarded people here. A large group of people here find him amusing and enjoy seeing his shit views.
Are his views more shit than the view you get from atop the stupid piece of shit hill?
I don't understand why a place like this has lurkers. It's already filled with socially awkward shut-ins. I can only imagine what the people who are afraid to post must be like...