Leftist Grooming: When is it too far?

You are correct and I’m actually impressed you weren’t all offended about it like everyone else in the universe

Real solutions no feelings just logic and performance
While that is a difficult number to believe, it's possible. If you consider a kiss on the cheek or something similarly inappropriate, SEXUAL, then sure, the gates are open.

What I'm saying is that it's relatively common for teen students to have inappropriate relationships with teachers, and it's unfortunate that many of those become sexual.

What I'm also saying, and you keep ignoring, is that sexual molestation by staff for children k-6 is very rare.

If you want to cling to your uncited 10% statistic, that's fine, but please consult your source and tell us how many in that 10% were students K-6.

:lol: holy justifications of a wannabe kid diddler
Oh yeah, the girls grinding on desk. Wasn't just me, other male teachers that had been teaching longer than me were like, "sheesh, yeah it's way common. Get used to it, newb."

I think that story came out in Discord when someone asked for a teaching story-- not sure, you'll have to ask my fan. And while he's at it, if he could timestamp that one.. .I'd completely forgotten I'd told it.

It's impossible to be a young male teacher for 11 years and NOT have teeny-boppers flirt. It's inappropriate, it's wrong, but it's also American culture, and from what I hear, it's worse now than it was when I was teaching.

Anyway, I have a ton of those kind of stories, so Lemon might have to buy a new ssHD or wherever he keeps my details.
ITT we are all astonished and scandalized by the fact that teenage girls are horny sometimes

Well, they are pretending to be shocked but haven't said what THEY would do in a similar situation. I weighed all the options and chose to ignore it. Apparently, the TW folks that are education experts, would have said, "Susan, would you mind not rubbing your pussy on the corner of my desk?"

While that is a difficult number to believe, it's possible. If you consider a kiss on the cheek or something similarly inappropriate, SEXUAL, then sure, the gates are open.

What I'm saying is that it's relatively common for teen students to have inappropriate relationships with teachers, and it's unfortunate that many of those become sexual.

What I'm also saying, and you keep ignoring, is that sexual molestation by staff for children k-6 is very rare.

If you want to cling to your uncited 10% statistic, that's fine, but please consult your source and tell us how many in that 10% were students K-6.

I've posted it for you before.


And why on earth are you rationalizing sexual abuse of children?

:lol: holy justifications of a wannabe kid diddler

Saying a student trying to kiss a teacher on the cheek is inappropriate, makes me a wannabe? Well, I'll stand by it, it's inappropriate. You're like a caveman trying to invent fire and thinking you're flaming someone.
ok yes but that process is locked down

its so powerful that it can make someone deny rampant sex abuse in schools.