Leftist Grooming: When is it too far?

Not even close.

Public education makes the Catholic church look like pedo wannabes.

Not even close. And Catholics are getting the bad name because they're the ones that got caught. You're getting a little stiffy reading about some hot teacher and the 16 year old boy she had sex with after school at her house, because that kind of news is what Americans want to read about.

K-6 are never alone in a room with a single adult, and NEVER alone in a 1 v.1 setting. Churches on the other hand, do it all the time, and the molestation and rape statistics bear that out. And those are only the ones reported. Priests and Bishops and whatever head of whatever cult are predators for children 0-10, and have been for centuries.

With that kind of record, we're going to go ahead and keep God OUT of the schools, thanks. His reputation is shit, and going to take a very long time to repair.
Not even close. And Catholics are getting the bad name because they're the ones that got caught. You're getting a little stiffy reading about some hot teacher and the 16 year old boy she had sex with after school at her house, because that kind of news is what Americans want to read about.

K-6 are never alone in a room with a single adult, and NEVER alone in a 1 v.1 setting. Churches on the other hand, do it all the time, and the molestation and rape statistics bear that out. And those are only the ones reported. Priests and Bishops and whatever head of whatever cult are predators for children 0-10, and have been for centuries.

With that kind of record, we're going to go ahead and keep God OUT of the schools, thanks. His reputation is shit, and going to take a very long time to repair.

Sexual Violence in Schools | NEA.

According to recently released data from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, there were 14,938 incidents of sexual violence in K–12 schools in 2017 – 2018 compared with 9,649 in 2015 – 2016, representing a 55 percent increase.
Van is getting a bit defensive about his profession being filled with kiddy diddlers. "B-b-b-but Catholics..."

Kind of like when we want to discuss Islam and invariably some leftoid atheist comes in crying about Christianity and proceeds to spew Jewish biblical verses.
van tells some stories in the cord about the temptations he had as an educator

pretty fucking cringe stuff
Catholic Church has sexually abused far more, even your links about education are less than the link about the Catholic Chirch probe in one single state. The Catholic Church is a single organization that has been around for centuries.
It actually happens in all religions

We had a gaypedo priest, but most of them were just drunks
Sexual Violence in Schools | NEA.

According to recently released data from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, there were 14,938 incidents of sexual violence in K–12 schools in 2017 – 2018 compared with 9,649 in 2015 – 2016, representing a 55 percent increase.

That is student on student. I was talking about Authority with child, school vs. church.
Catholic Church has sexually abused far more, even your links about education are less than the link about the Catholic Chirch probe in one single state. The Catholic Church is a single organization that has been around for centuries.

One state over 70 years vs everywhere in 1. It's a weird stance to take, because nobody denies the prevalence of diddlers in the catholic church or that it's gross, or that it's an issue. There is a far larger issue among school employees, and it's like you want to pretend it doesn't exist at all to focus on Priests, when religion is shrinking and schools are growing. Only reason to do so is ideological blinders.
Van is getting a bit defensive about his profession being filled with kiddy diddlers.

It isn't. It happens, but nothing like the scale that it happens in churches. Inappropriate sexual relationships between teachers and teen students is much more common. Young children being molested by a school teacher is very rare.

Young children being molested by whatever authority figure in a religious setting, is rampant. It's always been rampant. Churches are one of the least safe places for a child to be, and if I had toddlers I'd much prefer them to be read to by a transvestite than have any interaction with clergy. I wouldn't like either, but if I HAD to pick, I'd make sure they stayed away from the religious folk. Pure evil.
It isn't. It happens, but nothing like the scale that it happens in churches. Inappropriate sexual relationships between teachers and teen students is much more common. Young children being molested by a school teacher is very rare.

Young children being molested by whatever authority figure in a religious setting, is rampant. It's always been rampant. Churches are one of the least safe places for a child to be, and if I had toddlers I'd much prefer them to be read to by a transvestite than have any interaction with clergy. I wouldn't like either, but if I HAD to pick, I'd make sure they stayed away from the religious folk. Pure evil.

10% of K-12 students experience sexual misconduct by a teacher or staff. More staff, more kids. It's weird that you want to deny how staggeringly large that number is.
I didn’t deny education workers have done abuse, just like you didn’t deny the Catholic Church have done it.

Your stance is that anyone who says anything by saying something you don’t like is that they are defending everyone else.
If you add up all the Catholic Church they are the definitively largest sex abusers out of any group mentioned here, guaranteed. There is no one singular organization that comes close.
I didn’t deny education workers have done abuse, just like you didn’t deny the Catholic Church have done it.

Your stance is that anyone who says anything by saying something you don’t like is that they are defending everyone else.

Nah my stance is the numbers show schools have vastly more incidents than the church, which is also shrinking in influence and size. Church is also easy to avoid, you just don't go. Predator teachers represent a more unavoidable threat.
That’s fine. However there are a few issues with your stance. You do not have to go to school since you can be homeschooled. Also, schools are not run by a single organization like the Catholic Church, so for a single organization the Catholic Church is definitely the biggest offender.
10% of K-12 students experience sexual misconduct by a teacher or staff. More staff, more kids. It's weird that you want to deny how staggeringly large that number is.

While that is a difficult number to believe, it's possible. If you consider a kiss on the cheek or something similarly inappropriate, SEXUAL, then sure, the gates are open.

What I'm saying is that it's relatively common for teen students to have inappropriate relationships with teachers, and it's unfortunate that many of those become sexual.

What I'm also saying, and you keep ignoring, is that sexual molestation by staff for children k-6 is very rare.

If you want to cling to your uncited 10% statistic, that's fine, but please consult your source and tell us how many in that 10% were students K-6.
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While that is a difficult number to believe, it's possible. If you consider a kiss on the cheek or something similarly inappropriate SEXUAL then sure, the gates are open.

What I'm saying is that it's relatively common for teen students to have inappropriate relationships with teachers, and it's unfortunate that many of those become sexual.

What I'm also saying, and you keep ignoring, is that sexual molestation by staff for children k-6 is very rare.

If you want to cling to your uncited 10% statistic, that's fine, but please consult your source and tell us how many in that 10% were students K-6.

I've posted it for you before.


And why on earth are you rationalizing sexual abuse of children?
That study should name the states and school districts where they found the most abuse so that we can more clearly identify and understand the situation.

They stated that they mostly happened in low income and states with less laws requiring school employees to report suspicions of child abuse but did not actually name any districts or states. Also, male educators were the largest offenders apparently.