Leftist Grooming: When is it too far?

NSFW - Highly disturbing!

Please, no one make jokes or go political on this issue.

NSFW - Highly disturbing!

Skip to 1:34:00 for the start.

Shorter clip.

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how about I just believe you on this one
is there anything i should know to stop it or is this just a now you know vid,,, cause i already know and i don't need to know more... just how to stop it
I say guillotines but for some fucking reason we have idiots who want to kill babies in the womb but let predators off
how about I just believe you on this one
is there anything i should know to stop it or is this just a now you know vid,,, cause i already know and i don't need to know more... just how to stop it
I say guillotines but for some fucking reason we have idiots who want to kill babies in the womb but let predators off

In all seriousness, it gets to a point where I think most will turn it off because it's that sick. I just hope people are mature enough to take the topic seriously and not make jokes and turn it into a political shit storm. In some cases, these are innocent babies being subjected to this sick shit.

I would like to think this would be the one issue that everyone on here could rally around and leave their egos, sarcastic comments, and jokes at the door. A lot of people on here have kids, so I think it would be a unifying cause for all of us to come together on, I'm hopeful but not holding my breath.

yes, and I didn't need to bring up abortion
I have a feeling that video goes darker than I want my imagination to wander..I grew up at Disneyland with a very liberal family that sheltered me. I had no idea how bad or prevalent child sexual molestation was until I was older and teaching.

My wife was molested between ages 6 and 9 by an uncle in his ~30 who was married. I don't think there was penetration, but I don't push her to talk too much. There was another sister that was molested also. She says her partying and drunk mom either didn't believe her or didn't care...
Our sex life is fine... but it's not fine. There are problems and triggers that I avoid. And it all stems from those years of molestation.

My wife is a very strong women and I've only seen her cry a few times. Last time was when Kekoa was in dire straights at the vet, the other few times were all about the molestation that happened to her when she was less than 10 years old.
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Wife's co-workers (soon to be ex) husband just got arrested for cp. She works in the medical field, and their kids are grown with their own kids. She found it on their computer last Friday, and called the cops Saturday. 20 something charges for the sick fucker.
Look! I found something else that goes too far.

Parents of Ontario Catholic Student Vocal About Gender Beliefs Suspended From Teaching Jobs

...“From the beginning, I understood the consequences my actions may have and I was willing to take that stand and face the consequences,” Alexander told The Epoch Times. “But I must admit, I’m pretty disappointed to see that since they haven’t been able to get to me, they’re now attacking my family.”
Alexander was first suspended by St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in November when he organized a protest against transgender students using the girls’ washroom. When the suspension ended, he was still banned from school grounds for the rest of the year for saying he would continue to express his belief. The school board has said his actions amount to “bullying” transgender students.
Parents Under Investigation
His father, Matt Alexander, is a grade 7/8 teacher at the Renfrew County District School Board. His mother, Nicole Alexander, is a kindergarten teacher in the same board.
His mother received notice on May 8 that she was to be put on leave and that she is under investigation. The reason she was given, Alexander said, is that she had removed a pride flag someone else had put on the door of her kindergarten classroom.
“Somebody reported her and went to the superintendent who told her that in order to protect the students, they’d have to put her on leave and place her under investigation,” Alexander said.
His father had received notice about two weeks prior. “They haven’t really given a reason for my dad’s investigation,” Alexander said. “There’s been no actual scenario that would have called for investigation.”
The Renfrew board did not reply to an Epoch Times inquiry regarding Alexander’s parents or the reasons they are being investigated....
NYC finally cracks down hard on a homeless man... youll never believe on whose flag he defecated...

A homeless man with hatred in his bowels named Fred Innocent — yes that is his real name — is facing hate crime charges after an incident at a restaurant on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. On the morning of April 15th Fred entered the establishment and grabbed two rainbow flags from a table and proceeded to defecate on one of them and used the other flag to clean himself. The NYPD has just charged this man with a hate crime. Pooping in the first-degree.

The foul and dark hatred backed up in this homeless man’s system appears to have been so pent up that it exploded outwards in a violent and unpredictable manner. Talk about a ticking time bomb…...

not even the race card is helping this guy
cut your dick off; trans is the ultimate victim
hold my hormone blockers jew
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An HIV-positive Flint, Michigan, man who has volunteered for Democrat Mayor Sheldon Neeley was arraigned on Thursday and charged with grooming and raping a child with the intent to spread his potentially deadly infection.

In a video posted to social media, Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson announced that the Genesee Human Oppression Strike Team (GHOST) arrested 55-year-old John Cole on charges of a dozen sexual crimes.

Felon Who Worked On Flint Mayor’s Campaign Arrested For Allegedly Grooming, Raping Child; Has HIV
Biden Admin Says School District Can’t Remove Sexually Explicit Books Because It Violates Students’ Civil Rights
The federal Department of Education concluded an investigation into a Georgia school district Friday, arguing that the removal of several books containing pornographic material “created a hostile environment” for LGBTQ and nonwhite authors and readers, according to a letter.

The department sent a letter to the school district’s superintendent, Dr. Jeff Bearden, on Friday that its investigation had concluded the district was attempting to remove books with “diverse authors and characters, including people who are LGBTQI+ and authors who are not white.”

“Indeed, one student commented at a district school board meeting about the school environment becoming more harsh in the aftermath of the book removals and his fear about going to school, and evidence OCR (the Office of Civil Rights) reviewed to date reflects other students expressing similar views,” the letter read.

“District witnesses reported to OCR that the district has not taken steps to address with students the impact of the book removals. In light of these communications and actions, OCR is concerned a hostile environment may have arisen that the district needed to ameliorate.”

The district had removed eight books after multiple parents complained about the content matter being too pornographic for children, according to The Washington Post. One mother was initially banned from board meetings after trying to read out loud a scene from “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” by Jonathan Safran Foer, that describes how to give oral sex.

“All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George Johnson follows the story of a black boy growing up and learning about different sexual experiences. It goes on to describe several graphic sexual situations, including two boys performing oral sex on each other.

Another book removed by the district was “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison, about an 11-year-old African American girl who enters puberty in the 1940s, because of its “heavy sexual content,” according to a review from Squeaky Clean Reviews.

“Sexual content includes but is not limited to incest, pedophilia, a graphic description of one married woman’s distaste for intercourse with her husband, an odd description of the same woman’s affinity for masturbating with a pet in her lap, and a graphic flashback in which Pauline recalls when intercourse with her husband was pleasurable,” the review read.
Democrats want to rape your children while you watch.
Who reads porn books anyway? JFC there's a whole internet, that was made by Al Gore, so the military could watch porn in the event of nuclear winter

But I bet that teacher knows everything there is about anal sex for children.
Unable to determine, the dimensions of the boards are not mentioned, nor are the angles, lengths, or depths of the cuts, whether its the same type of wood or one with a different density, the size requirements of a "piece", whether the same tool is being used, or whether fatigue from having already cut a board is a factor.

How do these CRT nuts expect anyone to reasonably answer this?
Unable to determine, the dimensions of the boards are not mentioned, nor are the angles, lengths, or depths of the cuts, whether its the same type of wood or one with a different density, the size requirements of a "piece", whether the same tool is being used, or whether fatigue from having already cut a board is a factor.

How do these CRT nuts expect anyone to reasonably answer this?
Well, there is a hand-drawn picture of a handsaw cutting a piece of wood which appears to be a 2"x2"x4' - 6'. I am assuming that is the board the question is referencing.

Marie is a weakling and if she wants to make a living in construction, she is going to need to pick it up. 10 minutes to cut a 2x2 into two pieces and she thinks minimum wage isn't enough?