So I've got 3 prime new york strips...

Ad nothing. You paid a premium for premium steaks.

Although I must ad, the one prime Porterhouse I've had the tenderloin was 1000000000x better than the strip.
strips pretty good.. imo a thick tbone or porterhouse is little better than strip but strip tends to be come thicker and cheaper than porterhouses.. they are very close. if i had to pick id say ribeye<strip<tbone/porterhouse
I put my steak in a ziplock bag full of spices, Italian dressing and beer. Let it set overnight then cook on the grill!
tender as hell!
WorstAim said:
Is there any reason for the 'let it sit 2 minutes in tinfoil' part of the recipe?

it keeps the steak warm and lets the juices redistribute in the meat. when you cut into it, you dont want allllllll the juices running out.

take it off of the grill a little early because the meat will continue to cook for those couple minutes.
I don't eat meat anymore, but, when I did, I always thought filet mignion (sp) was tops. Just so fucking tender it almost melts in your mouth if it's rare. One of the few foods I miss is a filet recipe with a red wine portobellasauce. Basically make the sauce and cook the mushrooms. Rub a little into the steak and sear it rare. Serve with this sauce with mushrooms in it.

Wow, I just made myself want to eat that. Good thing I'm too cheap to go buy filet and too lazy to make the sauce.

Also, what krakbaby said.
When I make steaks (got 2 nice ~1.75lb ribeyes marinading now) I let them marinade for 48 hours, together, practically fully submerged in my marinade.

I use orange juice a lot in my marinades cause it absorbs well into the meat and tastes awesome with some bbq or teryaki.

Right now my ribeyes have a bottle of BBQ sauce, EVOO, salt, pepper, garlic, and some tobasco. The most important thing I have learned from cooking steaks is that, at no point in the grilling process should you puncture the steak, because it looses all the juices. Grill to medium rare and eat, mmmm.
steaks were good. I ran into some trouble when the bbq ran out of propane, but luckily they cooked just as well in a cast-iron skillet.
K-Rex said:
If it's good meat then the less the better.

No marinade, all I ever put on a nice cut of meat is salt, pepper and some garlic. Super hot grill and cook to rare.


I mix it up, soy sauce, orange juice, chili powder, herbs, olive oil...but above is the classic by which I compare the rest.

And I cook it on a hot iron griddle.
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i use montreal steak seasoning and a bit of worcestershire. rub it in the meat, and poke with a fork all over. stick in a ziplock bag and let it sit for about an hour. then throw it on a grill.

TimTheEnchanter said:
I don't eat meat anymore,
veggie fag