Spockhammer should be permabanned.

I don't know how bans work but can the admins find his smurfs based on his IP? Can they see his IP or what? Is my handle registered to a certain IP?

I'm out of my element on this one.

They can see every IP address you have ever used, and they can click the IP address and see every username that has ever logged in from that IP. They can also specify a subnet and see everyone who has logged in from there.
They can see every IP address you have ever used, and they can click the IP address and see every username that has ever logged in from that IP. They can also specify a subnet and see everyone who has logged in from there.
Wow.. very 1984. Guess I can't ever try any tricks.
i'm not sure whch is more dissapointing....the fact that the thread got deleted or the fact that morbid got his way
he was starting to be a real attention whore recently anyhow :shrug:

edit: and if the thread was deleted, they should probably delete the news story he submitted with the same vid