Spockhammer should be permabanned.

i'm not sure whch is more dissapointing....the fact that the thread got deleted or the fact that morbid got his way

I didn't get my way. It was going to happen anyway. I just think he should be permabanned because his shit was getting really fucking old. Was he permabanned or what?
he was mostly under the radar as brok3n until rayn changed his name

then i started noticing how much of a retard he was
that puppy has saved me more than once. For the record I have started praying to the pupy and giving thanks
Spockhammer isn't a smurf, he is just one of the people, including myself, who had their names randomly changed in that one thread Rayn had.
What was his original handle anyway? I forget.
nah it was a couple weeks before your USA memorial day

he'd been a bit of a prick for a while before that, but then he decided to threadshit on a "fallen souljas of TW we salute you :heart:" thread by posting pics of sniped troops trying to rescue eachother
he also posted those pics in Data's epic thread about Vir.. ruined the thread. It was surely headed for HOF.. or maybe the trash can,either way he ruined it
end of they day he wont be missed

its funny really, you have to go so fucking insanely beyond the pail to get banned on TW these days because we've been going for so long

but we still get people who think its fucking hilarious to get band

people eh :shrug: