The more I see, the more I don't believe an aircraft hit the Pentagon.

JuggerNaught said:

notice the date and time?

So? It took me three months to get my IT guy at HQ to correct the date on our workstations. :shrug:

Government workers do something incorrectly??? SHOCKING!!!!
Bounty said:
So? It took me three months to get my IT guy at HQ to correct the date on our workstations. :shrug:

Government workers do something incorrectly??? SHOCKING!!!!
your it guy isnt working at the pentagon is he?

is he in charge of the security systems of building that handles the brain of the u.s. military?
JuggerNaught said:
your it guy isnt working at the pentagon is he?

is he in charge of the security systems of building that handles the brain of the u.s. military?

Dude ... have you ever been to the Pentagon?

It's a serious misconception that the U.S. Government's top installations have extremely intelligent people working at them.

The Pentagon, back in about 2000, received an "F" during an evaluation of their network security. There are more dipshits working over there than you can imagine. (Besides Rumsfield.)
You do understand that height you're quoting repeatedly includes the tail and the wheels??? The fuselage is not 44 feet high.
]CkB[DiamondSoul said:
I dont believe that...but I do believe this about flight 93
Believe what? There's like 4 different theories on that one site...

(Though a bomb exploding during the flight is certainly the most plausible, even if the explosion wasn't enough to add to the mayhem of crashing a plane into a "highly visible target".)
yeah..should definatley read a report by a bureau assembled by the very government that would stand to benenfit by a coverup such as this. I'm sure they will give you the straight info.
JuggerNaught said:
over 7000 views and over 500 posts in less that 24 hours.

My job here is done. :hat:

Spewing out a bunch of bullshit so that everybody calls you an idiot?

Admit it, your only reason for making this thread was to watch it to grow to 50 pages

PlancksConstant said:

Spewing out a bunch of bullshit so that everybody calls you an idiot?

Admit it, your only reason for making this thread was to watch it to grow to 50 pages

yes....that was my master plan :)

worked pretty well wouldnt you say?