Tribes : Ascend

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Still mind boggling, considering teamwork and different roles NEVER failed to materialize ORGANICALLY in 99% of the games I remember....

They appear to want to force the organic roles that the older tribes competitive players naturally came up with as "best" of load outs.

They also made up some seemingly useless load outs. But thats besides the point. I'm sure they will have plenty of load outs they try and sell that only 10 people will would buy.
Tribes was just as much about freedom of ability (able to be effective wherever you go regardless of armor/loadout) as it was freedom of movement. People get all caught up in skiing, but I really do think when people play T1/T2 they take for granted just how much POWER you have in those games.

As a light in T2 classic, I am practically god in terms of options. The ability to burst down slow moving targets with mine disks (aside from shield HO anyways), the ability to instantly project damage long range (sniper rifle), an incredible short-mid range tool in the chaingun, and the overall versatility of the disk.

It's not just about being able to go anywhere and fly wherever you want. It's also the fact that your only limiting factor is your skill in regards to who or what you can engage. Go anywhere, do anything. On a base theoretical level, a two weapon fixed loadout system that tries to put people into niches just can't accomplish that. And that much is obvious from just publically released info :\

There are some things that can be abused in Tribes. A lot of that abuse came in the form of the shield pack which can be greatly abused in T2/TV (not so much in T1). The chaingun and the shrike in T2. I'll take some balancing and buffering on all of those things over limiting my movement and my loadouts. Good to know you are involved in testing.
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They can remake Footloose and The Thing, two movies that have no business being remade for various reasons...

Just give us an updated Tribes as we know it. sigh.
I was on their forums and discussing this a couple days back. Apparently that is exactly what they don't want you to do. They dont want people to gravitate toward the most popular loadouts and play how we've played tribes for years. They want to force you to play different roles and force teamwork. Hence the limited loadouts and such. When I was told this I just could not believe it. That makes Tribes vengeance seem like solid gold.

And I posted earlier the lead dev spent the most gametime in pathfinder or juggernaut, two of the spinfusor classes. The other is soldier, which is pretty much the default class.

Go look at the video on the front page of the TA site, it's like all spinfusor and mortars and classic weapons featured.

It's like they subliminally already know everything they are being told. Most of my Tribes experience was as a T2 renegades scrub so I'm not some kind of purist but they don't seem to even have any belief in what they are trying to sell.
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Teamwork is an AWFUL general term, and if designers feel the need to use it when drafting their design docs they are missing a very core theoretical and mathematical point:


In T1/T2, there was a robust skill curve. However, two highly skilled players would always easily kill one highly skilled player (all else being equal). The difference is that the skill curve was robust enough, and the mechanics well designed enough that one person could potentially kill several in one go if the several were lesser skilled.

The end result of the above?

Good teamwork was still the ultimate strategy. However, the game was deep enough to allow moments of heroism as well. Moments in where one person defies the odds, kills several people in one go and makes an astounding play all at the same time. Moments that truly make the player playing feel like a badass, and actually feel excited with the game. Even your shittiest players can have those moments if the system isn't super restricting.

It is impossible to make a system in where teamwork isn't the best strategy

However, it is possible to make a system in where heroism doesn't exist, and individual skill plays a low part. And game devs often do that when they decide that their game needs more "teamwork"


Z, if you were giving that type of advice the entire time, my respect level for you just went up several more notches. Nothing but quality, concise, intelligent responses from you. Not rage, or bitching, just good, quality posts.

And yet, no feedback...I'm disappointed

And yeah, get banned, LOL.
And I posted earlier the lead dev spent the most gametime in pathfinder or juggernaut, two of the spinfusor classes. The other is soldier, which is pretty much the default class.

And that was one of my rebuttals. Actually there are several people that made that same point. Most people will find a few classes they like and stick to them. They aren't going to go out and play every single different class. Some classes will be favored, others will hardly ever get used. That's what annoys me about the fixed classes thing. Even if I find a fixed class I like, I cant customize it. I may like a certain class but prefer to change out one of the weapons. Cant do that.
you're not following the thought through though bman.

as soon as they see that trend they will then buff the classes nobody wants to the point that people will want to play them because they are now OP. they have to do this because if people aren't buying all the loadouts they aren't making money.

so what we'll get then is patch to patch ping pong of 'best' loadouts and it will never end because each loadout will never have everything it needs to be viable in and of itself without buffs to the weapons.

its going to be a fucking mess.
geezuz, just fucking sell weapons and let us customize our characters with 3/4/5 loadouts already. either that or just do loadouts exactly like tribes 1/2 and make us purchase the game for 50 bucks. then you can sell skins and shit for weapons and armor, FUCK!!!
And yeah, get banned, LOL.
:roller: my problem is that i have absolutely zero artistic skills.
On the other hand, what i've seen from certain members of this community is quite impressive so i'm kinda hoping they'll jump the train.

Obviously in a "non trollish" and "constructive" manner. ;)
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