from your quote, dumbass, right before she mentions the dollar funding

Is there any situation in which you would accept even a dollar of wall funding for this president in order to reopen government?" a reporter asked.

see how she says no to the wall to reopen the government? because she said she wants to negotiate the border and immigration without holding 800,000 people hostage

so, disingenuous it is

instead of a wall, which literally the CATO institute thinks wouldn't work (you know, that bastion of conservative learning) they offer this:
When pressed, she dropped the quip and got serious. "The fact is, a wall is an immorality," she said. "It's not who we are as a nation."

She added that "it is a waste of money and opportunity cost to protect the American people," and suggested that border security money would be better spent increasing and modernizing infrastructure at ports of entry and investing in better technology to scan incoming cars for drugs. "There's so many things that we can be doing ... [that also] maintain who we are as a country," Pelosi said.

But some Republican senators appeared open to at least part of the Democrats’ proposal.

“I’m not saying their whole plan is a valid plan, but I see no reason why the bills that are ready to go and on which we’ve achieved an agreement should be held hostage to this debate over border security,” said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.

“Congress needs to take further action on border security, but that work should be done when the government is fully open,” added Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo.
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What Happened When A Trump Supporter Challenged Me About the Wall

A conservative challenged liberal Facebook friends to “make a case, not based on emotion” against Trump’s wall. Conservative buddies flooded his post with snide remarks about how this would be impossible for “deluded libs.”

“Okay, I’ll play,” I responded. To avoid being accused of bias, I explained that I would use only conservative sources to make my point. My primary source was a policy paper by the Cato Institute—a conservative, libertarian think tank—along with other conservative voices (listed below).

Here’s why I’m against the wall, I wrote:

1. Walls don’t work. Illegal immigrants have tunneled underneath and/or erected ramps up and down walls and simply driven over them. People find a way. When East Germany erected its wall, it created a military zone, staffed by booted, machine-gun carrying guards ready to shoot to kill. Yet thousands managed to make it to West Germany anyway. More to the point, do we really want to model ourselves after communist East Germany?

2. Most illegal immigrants are “overstayers.” They come to the U.S. legally—for vacations, jobs, schools, etc.—and then stay long past their visas. By 2012, overstayers accounted for 58 percent (the majority) of all unauthorized immigrants. A wall is meaningless here.

3. Walls have little impact on drugs being brought in to the U.S. According to the DEA, almost all drugs come in through legal points of entry, hidden in secret containers and/or among legit goods in tractor-trailers. A wall will have little to no impact on the influx of drugs into our country.

4. It’s environmentally impractical. Walls have a hard time making it through extreme weather. For example, in 2011, a flood in Arizona washed away 40 feet of steel fencing. Torrential rains and raging waters do serious damage. Also, conservative sources generally do not address the environmental harm that walls create, but there is plenty of documentation showing the potential for irreparable damage to both plant and animal life.

5. A wall would force the U.S. government to take land from private citizens in eminent domain battles. Private citizens own much of the land slated for the wall. The costs of the government snatching private land—and the legal battles that would ensue—are incalculable.

6. Border patrol agents don’t like concrete or steel walls because they block surveillance capabilities. In other words, they can’t mobilize correctly to meet challenges. So, in many ways, a wall makes their job more difficult.

7. Border patrol agents say walls are “meaningless” without agents and technology to support them. Are we prepared to pour countless billions annually—well after the wall is built—to create a nearly 2,000-mile militarized, 24-hour-surveillance border operation? Because according to patrol agents, that’s the only way a wall would work. Again, are we really going to use East Germany, a brutal communist state, as our model here?
8. Where barriers were built, there was little impact on the number of border crossers. According to the Congressional Research Center cited in the Cato report, after San Diego rebuilt a fence making it more wall-like—taller and more opaque—the structure “did not have a discernible impact on the influx of unauthorized aliens coming across the border” in the area. They simply came in elsewhere, primarily where natural barriers such as water or mountainous regions preclude a wall.

9. A wall has unintended consequences on other industries: For example, it blocks farmworkers from exiting when their invaluable seasonal work is done. Farmers are against the wall because it makes getting cheap seasonal labor almost impossible, as few American citizens want those jobs. And if seasonal workers do get in, a wall makes it harder for them to leave. It traps migrant farm laborers in our country.

10. Trump’s $5 billion is a laughable drop in the bucket for what would actually be needed. For example, according to the Cato Institute: An estimate for a border wall area that only covered 700 miles was originally $1.2 billion. How much did it cost in reality? $7 billion. And that’s only for 700 miles. Whatever we think it’s going to cost, experience shows us we must multiply it by more than 500 percent.

11. According to MIT engineers, the wall would cost $31.2 billion. Homeland Security estimates it at $22 billion. Given the pattern of spending mentioned in number 10 (plus Murphy’s Law), we’re talking about pouring endless billions into something that doesn’t even work. Of course, we taxpayers will be footing the bill, not Mexico. Given all the drawbacks, is this really the best use of our taxes?

As the conservatives of the Cato Institute put it, “President Trump’s wall would be a mammoth expenditure that would have little impact on illegal immigration.” It would also create many “direct harms,” including “the spending, the taxes, the eminent domain abuse, and the decrease in immigrant’s freedoms of movement.”

We must add, because conservative sources do not, that the environmental harms are likely to be severe.

In other words, the facts show that walls don’t work. Instead, they create even bigger, more expensive problems.

So what happened after I posted this conservative-sourced, fact-based list of why the wall is a bad idea?


I waited for someone to respond, to engage with me. Where were the angry defenses or rebuttals? But when I searched for the post after a few days, I couldn’t find it.

My Facebook friend had deleted it. You could say, like Trump with the government, he shut me down rather than deal with the facts.

The ugly genius of Trump is his ability to manipulate deep, primal emotions—namely fear and hate. Along with Fox News, he has convinced his base that immigrants put them in “extreme danger” and only a wall will make them “safe.”

Unfortunately, their need to feel safe is much stronger than their will to grapple with a complex, multifaceted problem—a problem that will require serious engagement with complex policies to get at the root of it.

And so, here we are, paralyzed by shutdowns at every turn.

Conservative-Leaning Sources Explaining the Uselessness of Trump’s Wall
The Cato Institute: “Why the Wall Won’t Work”
Former Reagan staffer and Tea-Party liaison Donna Wiesner Keene: “The Conservative Case Against a Border Fence” published by U.S. News & World Report.
The Chicago Tribune (a conservative-leaning paper): “Trump’s Wall Is Performance Art, Not Border Security”
National Review (conservative magazine): “Trump’s Border Wall Plan Is Ridiculous on Its Face”
Additional Sources
Harvard Business Review (business-oriented): “A Wall Won’t Secure the U.S.-Mexico Border, but Economic Policy Could”
Nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute (MPI): “Borders and Walls: Do Barriers Deter Unauthorized Migration?”
from your quote, dumbass, right before she mentions the dollar funding

see how she says no to the wall to reopen the government? because she said she wants to negotiate the border and immigration without holding 800,000 people hostage

so, disingenuous it is

instead of a wall, which literally the CATO institute thinks wouldn't work (you know, that bastion of conservative learning) they offer this:

What part of The wall is an immorality between countries. do you not understand?

There is going to be a wall because she will cave on that.

The end
Also.. it doesn't take the cato institute to know Border Barriers work in all situations to, at the very least, slow down entry/exit while affording authorities time to respond.

See Prisons
Goshin should stick to what he is good at: Selling snake oil insurance, adopting pit bulls, pretending pit bulls aren't dangerous, and dog fucking (in that order is my guess)


The Kochs Aren't the Only Funders of Cato

so he cites CATO institute :lol:



They sure seemed to work well in these countries? Why is that Goshin?

can you explain (of course you can't you dishonest bag of dirty diapers)

I mean we know walls work if they are patrolled and enforced

Inside the Beltway: Democrats paid for a wall (in Jordan) - Washington Times

even the Dem's know this which is why they are willing to fund walls everywhere except for America. There is a reason we don't have a wall while we spend billions every year to defend other countries and their interests over our own.

That is the only point and purpose of our nation and government now for most people (all people in power)

Also.......this virtual wall?

Boeing virtual fence: $30 billion failure | ZDNet

Giant fucking waste of money......just like it was last time

In fact that was the lesson learned.

It cost a shit ton and did next to nothing because we need people enforcing immigration, not just knowing it is going to shit, and sensors sounding the alarm that our government refuses to answer.......or even allow anyone to answer.

now pull your head out of your ass and get back in the game

you aren't nearly as smart or as educated as you think you are in here
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Dems want a virtual wall:

Run by FB and GOOGLE

so that it can motor voter enroll everyone who crosses for automatic voter registration, social security, free universal healthcare, and SNAP benefits


They really are trying to build bridges not walls to usher and escort our replacement into this country.

Chuck Schumer in 2009 said that hundreds of miles of border fencing made the border "far more secure" because it "created a significant barrier to illegal immigration on our southern land border"

Schumer admits so himself if you listen to him...........


or Prove Schumer in 2009 wrong

or tell me why you suddenly agree with the Koch bros now

your pick.....
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What part of The wall is an immorality between countries. do you not understand?

There is going to be a wall because she will cave on that.

The end

it is immoral to defend yourself

when you fight for the other side

and that is what the Democrats have proven to the rest of :flag:

unequivocally and without any restraints or doubts now
hey Goshin, pamperpoopy

can you explain this for me?

On the day its border fence was completed, the influx of illegals entering Hungary went down from 6,353 one day to 870 the next. The rest of the month, illegal border crossings were below 40 per day.

“They don’t even try,”
- border guard

‘They don’t even try’: Hungary’s new border fence called ‘spectacular success’


I mean we did help fund that

in fact this years budget gives them a few more billion for that

whereas :flag: gets nothing

I know why.....but it is about time you learn why if you don't want to be laughed at