Don't lie about legal activities if you don't want 30 FBI agents raiding your home at 6am. You sound like a fascist.
“He was the prisoner of his own impulse and it turned into a catastrophe for him,” said David Axelrod, who was a White House adviser to President Barack Obama. “The House of Representatives has power and authority — and now a speaker who knows how to use it — so that has to become part of his calculation or he’ll get embarrassed again.”

Sums it exactly up.
You’re all very fucking lucky McConnell didn’t expand the nuclear option. 2020/22 is going to be a death punch to republican majority in senate.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly declined to take a hard stance on whether that could include funding for a partial border wall, a position on which she held firm throughout the duration of the record-long government shutdown.

Q: Madam Speaker, the President has wanted this wall funding for a long time but it wasn’t until Democrats won the House that he really went to the mat for it. How much of all of this do you think is about the new power dynamic and his desire to show you who’s really in charge?

Speaker Pelosi. I don’t get your question. The point is today we have come to a way to go forward, to debate the best ways to protect our border. I don’t see this as any power play.

Q: I’m referring to the past 36 days and the fact that he held out over wall funding.

Speaker Pelosi. Well, if you’re saying that the President held out over wall funding to show who was in charge, I think that’s quite a bad statement to make about any leader in our country. But what I do say is, let’s go forward, get this done. The Leader mentioned lessons learned and hope that the people know that we cannot hold our public employees hostage because we have a disagreement.

How many? 34 days is it now, over one month, having an impact on their lives? So I don’t want to make any characterizations of the President’s motivation. You’ll have to ask him.

Leader Schumer. Go ahead.

Q: Speaker Pelosi, did the President underestimate you politically, and can you assure the public that there won’t be another impasse in three weeks?

Speaker Pelosi. I can’t assure the public on anything that the President will do but I do have to say, I’m optimistic. I see every challenge or every crisis as an opportunity: an opportunity to do the right thing for the American people and at the same time make people aware of what the decisions are that we have here and hopefully that will make everybody come together in a way that is unifying for our country. I can’t characterize the President’s evaluation of me.

Leader Schumer. I’ll just say one more thing in reference to that. I suggested to Leader McConnell that we use a conference committee format. That conference committee has Democrats and Republicans, House and Senate, sitting at a table, has worked very successfully on Homeland Security and everything and all the other bills that haven’t been signed over the last several years. Even when the Republicans were in charge. And so I’m very optimistic that the conference committee can come to a good conclusion and we can avoid another shutdown.

Go ahead.

Q: Will the State of the Union go on as planned now?

Speaker Pelosi. The State of the Union is not planned now.


What I said to the President is, when the government is open, we will discuss a mutually agreeable date and I’ll look forward to doing that and welcoming the President to the House of Representatives for the State of the Union when we agree on that mutual date.

Q: You were planning to announce the border security vision of Democrats, what you want. What is the state of that proposal, and also, can you accept any sort of physical barrier from a border security plan?

Speaker Pelosi. The work of the conference committee will draw out everyone’s view of what is the best way to protect our borders. Our Chair of our Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, knows this issue very well. She will go to the table with our best ideas on how to protect our border. The Leader referenced some in terms of infrastructure that relates to our ports of entry. The President talked about drugs coming into our country. 90 percent of the drugs come through the ports of entry. Come one way or another, as he was describing, coming through our ports of entry.

Let us increase the infrastructure where the drugs are coming in, let us increase, as the Leader said, the technology to scan for that, for drugs, guns, contraband and the rest, let us talk about some of the things we have in common with the President in terms of humanitarian assistance for those coming over.

But we’re not having a conference committee right now. We’ll leave it up to our Appropriators to come to that. Some of the things we were going to discuss, where we think, where we have evidence-based knowledge about how we best secure our border.

Q: As someone who was these negotiations, do you think the President underestimated the Speaker and do you think that he thought he could get what he wanted?

Leader Schumer. I think he thought – no one should ever underestimate the Speaker, as Donald Trump has learned. But I also think – in addition to that, and I think Nancy would be the first – our Democrats stayed totally unified. Certainly in the Senate they made huge noise, many attempts to take some of our Democrats and get them to side with them.

And the unity of our two Caucuses really worked. Because I believe the President himself believed and was told by a couple of his advisors, you’ve written about them, that, ‘Oh, just hold out and we’ll get the Democrats to crack and join us.’

In the Senate more relevant than the House because they have the Majority. He was unable to do that.

And I think after three weeks, as the toll mounted, and it became clear, we helped make it clear to the President, to the public, that the President was the one in charge of the shutdown, that he just, he knew that it was a lost cause.

You want to go?

Q: Are you no longer ruling out any money for the wall?

Speaker Pelosi. Have I not been clear on a wall? Ok. No, I’ve been very clear on the wall. Been very clear. Let me just go to the previous question and say this, and associate myself with the remarks of the Leader.

In our caucus, the beauty of it is the mix. And I always say, when people say to me, ‘Oh, you’re so good at organizing your caucus.’ No, I don’t unify our caucus. Our values unify us.

I’m sure it’s the same in the Senate. And the fact is that our diversity is our strength. The differences of – in so many different ways, including differences of opinion. That’s our strength. But our unity is our power. And that is what maybe the President under-estimated.

Leader Schumer. Thank you, everybody.
You're not just negotiating with someone, you're negotiating with everyone they've negotiated with too.
How mad will dem/left/faggots be when Pelosi caves and gives Trump his wall?

I wonder

very mad.

which is why she won't.

her caucus won't let her without some big concessions. :)

Republicans obviously wanted this so bad that they waited until they lost majority in the house to vote on it.

Here's the problem Trump has (no troll)

1) He didn't make a strong enough case to the American people that this was more than just a "campaign promise".
2) He course corrected half way through and tried.
3) It failed.. why? because you can't give a lecture half way into the shutdown with people not paid or families and friends not being paid.
4) He's going to try again in these 3 weeks to re-win the narrative and restate his case for border emergency.
5) He might win.. he might fail. If he forces a shutdown with the American people believing this is still just a campaign promise and not truly a national security issue, he will lose big.

These are the next 3 weeks.

Pelosi if she's smart will need to look like she's taking Donald seriously over the next 3 weeks and allow for "negotiations". She should play to his ego and let him double down on the wall. If the populist is moving more agreeable to the wall she should go for concessions, if they're not, she should hold her stance and enjoy another big win for 2020 if he forces it again.

This isn't a very difficult game or negotiation to break down..
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very mad.

which is why she won't.

her caucus won't let her without some big concessions. :)

Republicans obviously wanted this so bad that they waited until they lost majority in the house to vote on it.

Here's the problem Trump has (no troll)

1) He didn't make a strong enough case to the American people that this was more than just a "campaign promise".
2) He course corrected half way through and tried.
3) It failed.. why? because you can't give a lecture half way into the shutdown with people not paid or families and friends not being paid.
4) He's going to try again in these 3 weeks to re-win the narrative and restate his case for border emergency.
5) He might win.. he might fail. If he forces a shutdown with the American people believing this is still just a campaign promise and not truly a national security issue, he will lose big.

These are the next 3 weeks.

Pelosi if she's smart will need to look like she's taking Donald seriously over the next 3 weeks and allow for "negotiations". She should play to his ego and let him double down on the wall. If the populist is moving more agreeable to the wall she should go for concessions, if they're not, she should hold her stance and enjoy another big win for 2020 if he forces it again.

This isn't a very difficult game or negotiation to break down..

You are one of the dumbest fuckers on this forum.. and that is saying something.

Ps there is no chance in hell the wall doesn't get built
you keep stressing about politics you will have another heart attack

and i dont give a shit whether you are here or not