I'll be curious to hear what the state of the 4 chins are

Last update we had on the tele, they were turning into a neck vagina
Inside Kushner’s immigration plans - Axios

our boy jared working on immigration reform, get ready for huge maga

“Right now [Kushner is] just trying to understand the Republican position so that we can take all those views to the president and he can make an informed decision,” the same official said on Tuesday.

long time republican jared is the best person for the job
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As trump just said.. no wall in 3 weeks and it is off to the races

“The deal includes just $1.375 billion for 55 miles of fences along the border, compared with $5.7 billion Trump had sought for more than 200 miles of walls. The deal omits a strict new cap Democrats had sought on immigrants detained within the United States — as opposed to at the border. At the same time, it reduces an overall cap on detention beds maintained by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, although GOP aides said ICE would have enough money and flexibility to maintain its current detention levels and add more when needed.
Fox News host Sean Hannity, a Trump confidante, immediately called the deal a “garbage compromise.”

It would be neat if He signed this bill, then Texas asked for help at the border. That's another 65% of the border. Arizona is 20%.
i am so gonna laugh if he actually goes through with the national emergency for the wall and takes a dump on pelosi
“The deal includes just $1.375 billion for 55 miles of fences along the border, compared with $5.7 billion Trump had sought for more than 200 miles of walls. The deal omits a strict new cap Democrats had sought on immigrants detained within the United States — as opposed to at the border. At the same time, it reduces an overall cap on detention beds maintained by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, although GOP aides said ICE would have enough money and flexibility to maintain its current detention levels and add more when needed.
Fox News host Sean Hannity, a Trump confidante, immediately called the deal a “garbage compromise.”

lol a garbage deal for a garbage president how fitting
i am so gonna laugh if he actually goes through with the national emergency for the wall and takes a dump on pelosi

Republicans will revolt. It will be the end of his presidency. I don’t think you understand the type of precedent this will set for the next Democrat president.

So yes. I do hope he declares a national emergency. If Only for a cover for a democrat president to declare one on climate change ahaha.
“With four days to go before a partial government shutdown, Trump took Air Force One to the border in an attempt to gain a political advantage in an immigration debate that polls show he has been losing.
In a meandering, 75-minute speech, Trump tried to paint an image of crime and lawlessness on the border while claiming falsely that violent crime went down in El Paso after a wall was built.”

Does this trump fucker not understand politics? He needed to work his ass off these last three weeks to change the opinion of the American people on the wall. I bet the wall polled higher during his presidential campaign than now.
I think it is isreals duty to help us pay for a wall since we paid for theres ita only fair

I wonder if there are any wealthy jewish people that could help

Ne1 know if there are any wealthy Jews?
somebody got to pay for all this wall

somebody needs to be held accountable and they need to pay