six people around Trump charged and arrested

and u idiots still shill for him

if it were a democrat he woulda been impeached 2 yrs ago
six people around Trump charged and arrested

and u idiots still shill for him

if it were a democrat he woulda been impeached 2 yrs ago



just like hillary got dealt w/ for benghazi

just like hillary got dealt w/ for murdering seth rich

just like barry hussein soetoro got dealt w/ for not even being a us citizen

just like long john kerry got dealt w/ for engaging in foreign policy after he was no longer a us diplomat

P.S. donnie's a dem, he let us all kno that 2day :cool:
i really dont care about a wall or no wall

but id really like to see see coast guard, border patrol, air traffic controllers, fbi able to pay their bills
the wall is OK, i'm more impressed with Mexico paying for it

it's v nice of them, but they're wiring the money thru that fking "sigue" cartel scam bank so u kno donnie's gotta go 2 taqueria marquez if he wants to get the money and he's a bigly pussy who won't eat tacos unless they're done up as a bowl, so he hasn't been to taqueria marquez