Trump talks about border security

then does a 180 and puts our borders at high risk

ya that's a stable genius

this porridge is toooooo hot

this porridge is toooooo cold

legit goldilocks in this post

at this point you aren't just an NPC who bitches no matter what

but doesn't even do a good job at it or try (much like your job or HS)

haven't seen an argument this bad/dishonest since your we can't pull out of SYRIA because of ISIS......MOAR WAR

followed by OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE TRUMP IS MEDDLING IN VENEZUELA.....not even a few weeks apart

I was going to make a serious comment about who might be doing this? Pushing this?

yep.....idiot named Elliot Abrams

Pompeo names hawkish GOP veteran to run Venezuela policy

who Trump rejected based on his prior SoS experience

Trump nixes Elliott Abrams for State Department job - CNNPolitics

who was influential in all our other regime change/contra garbage and banana republic overthrows of the past

Pompeo Staffs Up | Council on Foreign Relations

who writes here and works for the CFR

but then I realized you wouldn't read any of this

you are a fucking eggplant who wouldn't make it that far

this is why you cry about ST posting shit you can't and will not read (because :ftard:)

that you can't think for himself and can only bitch about what you are told to bitch about (regardless of how contradictory or is called critical theory btw)

and that the fish and gerbils at the pet store you slum at for MW should probably get used to changing your shit cage and diapers soon

that you are this TDS delusional
btw no such thing as a deepstate

besides CFR admitting they are

and the FBI calling CNN this morning to watch the Stone raid

despite a phone call being more than enough for him to turn himself in

as evident by him posting bail (and not being a flight risk)
this porridge is toooooo hot

this porridge is toooooo cold

legit goldilocks in this post

at this point you aren't just an NPC who bitches no matter what

but doesn't even do a good job at it or try (much like your job or HS)

haven't seen an argument this bad/dishonest since your we can't pull out of SYRIA because of ISIS......MOAR WAR

followed by OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE TRUMP IS MEDDLING IN VENEZUELA.....not even a few weeks apart

I was going to make a serious comment about who might be doing this? Pushing this?

yep.....idiot named Elliot Abrams

Pompeo names hawkish GOP veteran to run Venezuela policy

who Trump rejected based on his prior SoS experience

Trump nixes Elliott Abrams for State Department job - CNNPolitics

who was influential in all our other regime change/contra garbage and banana republic overthrows of the past

Pompeo Staffs Up | Council on Foreign Relations

who writes here and works for the CFR

but then I realized you wouldn't read any of this

you are a fucking eggplant who wouldn't make it that far

this is why you cry about ST posting shit you can't and will not read (because :ftard:)

that you can't think for himself and can only bitch about what you are told to bitch about (regardless of how contradictory or is called critical theory btw)

and that the fish and gerbils at the pet store you slum at for MW should probably get used to changing your shit cage and diapers soon

that you are this TDS delusional

wtf r u even talking about dude

literally none of that has anything to do with basically anything in the thread

i was just referencing that the border patrol wasnt getting paid

wtf is wrong with you
wtf r u even talking about dude

literally none of that has to do with basically anything in the thread

i was just referencing that the border patrol wasnt getting paid

wtf is wrong with you

wtf is wrong with you

you bitch no matter what the guy does

i mean you cried about the gov workers not getting paid

now crying like a bitch that he opened gov back up and is paying them

but leaving the border insecure while doing so

despite you condemning him for doing what he did to protect the border before that

:ftard: we call this

fuk u dumb
sooo dumb

no but really

nothing out of your mouth makes sense or uses ration

you are basically a giant bitch who just makes noises for no reason

i mean I knew HS drop outs were dumb and lazy

that people that looked like you should be catapulted into another country

but help me with not making this so easy for others to see and accept as well