TW Loves Drama, Right? COMEON!

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Yankee said:
She would say that they are all lying.

and then, she'd tell the next sucker how special he was, and how he understands her...

way to go yankee...fucked up my whole weekend, i thought i was the special one getting pictures that nobody else except 150 peeps in irc were getting and the possibility of an e-bj
i dotn really have anything to say. I just felt kinda left out
Coolguy said:
I would drive from Glendale, CA to Glendale, AZ.

I drove there, must had been 8 hours by myself.

8 HOURS? You never told us that you drive a 1985 Pinto. She-yit, my motorhome will do 90 MPH on that long flat highway.

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Guys, I'm only half way through this thread so forgive me if this has already been mentioned.

I'm not sure, but I think I remember reading that there's a federal law that if there is *any* kind of indication that a person is underaged then pictures of that person in a sexual situation become illeagal.

If you've got pictures of her, now that a claim has been made about her age, you'd best delete them now.
JuggerNaught said:
and how would you know

I wouldn't. That's the cool thing about whores, even for people like moi there's always the possibility. Plus, you wouldn't have to pay for it.
Mav said:
I wouldn't. That's the cool thing about whores, even for people like moi there's always the possibility. Plus, you wouldn't have to pay for it.
sorry to break it to you, even a whore wouldn't touch you
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