TW Loves Drama, Right? COMEON!

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gofishgrrl. said:
If you haven't seen the pics of her by now, you live under a rock. Even *I've* seen the naked ones.

define naked ones. ive seen the standard tease infront of the digi cam where she just got out of the shower or whatever, and the one partial nude one where she's still covered up

by naked, the picture should be full frontal. if not then its partial nudity
Mav said:
define naked ones. ive seen the standard tease infront of the digi cam where she just got out of the shower or whatever, and the one partial nude one where she's still covered up

by naked, the picture should be full frontal. if not then its partial nudity

put the wood away paul pics in this thread
hatin on mav is so fucking old now...give it a rest.... please? :(

edit: this response not directed at any one person in particular
ayzianboy said:
that made no sense

pagy, from what ive read in other threads, isnt even american, some god damn foreigner, probably a sand nigger or towel head
Mav said:
pagy, from what ive read in other threads, isnt even american, some god damn foreigner, probably a sand nigger or towel head
i don't know what they taught you at twinkie camp, but everyone is entitled to an opinion... not just people from your own country.
wow... i remember back in the day when i'd be all about this thread and and find it interesting. now i just look at it and laugh at how fucking horribly pathetic you all are, especially you rich. and people always asked me why i didn't like you, ha
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