Daily Science Thread

ahahahahahahaha JesusfuckingChrist hahahahahahahaha zomgwtf hahahahahahaha lolololol hahahahaha fucking ha. Oh I think I broke my spleen.

Tehvs, is you Jupiter Spaceship working yet so it can come and save you from us mere mortals?
Our star is a White Star and not a Yellow Dwarf.

Just saying.

wrong, look up the classifications, it's a g2v and is termed a yellow dwarf, later, in it's death throws, after going through the stage of red giant, then it will most likely become a white dwarf.

the likelihood of humans being around on earth to see that happen would be an impossibility as the red giant stage would have killed all life on this little rock well before that.

...more specifically g class stars are termed yellow and the v designation makes is a main sequence dwarf, the 2 delineates it as being 2/10ths from g and towards k an orange class star, so it's a yellow 2/10th towards orange main sequence dwarf star.

Beings tehvul was too cool for school, he wouldn't have discovered that wiki Isn't considered an academically approved source of citation; neither is Youtube.
The global warming farce has proved you can't believe scientists as far as you can throw em. With that said.

The Sun is a White Star and not a Yellow Star. So don't get pissed off at me because you got lied to. Yes I know your teacher told you that because they told me that too. No one is perfect and as fate would have it teach was wrong. Yet again. Which is one of the reasons I dropped out of school. I don't like being lied to. Saying what you will to the contrary will not change truth from truth. :shrug:

tehvul the type of nigga that spends a g like it nothing

True story. It's the same as monopoly money anyway so why the fuck not? Much sooner than later folks gonna be using 100's as toilet paper.
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The global warming farce has proved you can't believe scientists as far as you can throw em. With that said.

The Sun is a White Star and not a Yellow Star. Yes I know your teacher told you that because they told me that too. No one is perfect and as fate would have it teach was wrong. Yet again. Which is one of the reasons I dropped out of school. I don't like being lied to.

true story

You dont need school to lie to yourself all day, you can do that all on your own for free with very minimal effort.
It is hard for many people, even scientists, to admit that the Sun they are so used to living with is actually white. So sometimes they even color pictures of the Sun taken in visible or "white" light to look more like something we would expect. Below is a picture of the Sun taken in visible white light, but which the scientists have processed to make it appear orange, for our benefit!



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putty's talking about classification tho

not wat colour can we see it as :roller:

As my jewish friends would say classification calcification. Just more gibberish designed to confuse folks. Our eyes see the fucking thing as white so it's white. Don't worry tho. Teach says it's yellow. For our benefit. Cause after all better to trust a scientist than your own eyes.

EDIT: :sunny:
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As my jewish friends would say classification calcification. Just more gibberish designed to confuse folks. Our eyes see the fucking thing as white so it's white. Don't worry tho. Teach says it's yellow. For our benefit. Cause after all better to trust a scientist than your own eyes.

EDIT: :sunny:

Its classified based on its spectrum using an instrument called a prism and the Morgan–Keenan system of classification. As opposed to using the std-riddled underdeveloped brain full of uninformed opinions tehvul has brought to bear by damaging his pair of eyes trying to look directly at the sun
As my jewish friends would say classification calcification. Just more gibberish designed to confuse folks. Our eyes see the fucking thing as white so it's white. Don't worry tho. Teach says it's yellow. For our benefit. Cause after all better to trust a scientist than your own eyes.

EDIT: :sunny:

that you don't understand classification and it's purpose is not my problem. you are wrong, the sun is a yellow dwarf that will at some point become a red giant then dwindle to a white dwarf. it has nothing to do with what you perceive.

trust your own visual perception and not measurement or classification? what a laugh, optical illusions will own you if you do that...

