Hobby Lobby Wins Contraceptive Ruling in Supreme Court

All bashing of religious downsies aside.

I really need the right to distance itself from this crap. At this point Jerry Sandusky could win the 2016 election as a Dem. Hopefully there is one strategist somewhere working for an electable (read not idiot mormon) who will advise him to fire some shots at this decision and try to win back the moderate Women who are essentially entirely Dem voters now.
Young female voters aren't happy watching this and while the SCOTUS are not politicians, the republicans cheering all over the news, are in fact, politicians. The fact that conservatives are jumping and hooting about this like chimpanzees at a waterfall could well be the nail in their 2016 coffin.

That bunch has won the popular vote ONE TIME in twenty-six years. As they hop up and down high-fiving over this decision, do you think that is gaining them votes in 2016? Yeah, me neither. They will lose, and lose bad. Again.
I don't care about the contraception thing...

But the idea that the religion of the owners can determine what federal laws (or parts of said laws) they do and don't have to follow bothers me.

The republicans seem so dead set against ACA that they're coming up with this crap to attack it. Doesn't seem like the smart play.
Young female voters aren't happy watching this and while the SCOTUS are not politicians, the republicans cheering all over the news, are in fact, politicians. The fact that conservatives are jumping and hooting about this like chimpanzees at a waterfall could well be the nail in their 2016 coffin.

That bunch has won the popular vote ONE TIME in twenty-six years. As they hop up and down high-fiving over this decision, do you think that is gaining them votes in 2016? Yeah, me neither. They will lose, and lose bad. Again.

you're right

because a majority of voters are stupid as fuck

Hillary Clinton’s ‘Dead Broke’ Comment Won’t Make a Big Difference, Says President Obama - ABC News
Are you really going to stand by that?

I think what you MEANT to say is that this ruling does not get rid of birth control.


you're damned right i'm going to stand by that.

i don't hear anyone, ANYONE, saying they want to get rid of contraception and birth control completely

complete nonsense if you think they are.
you're damned right i'm going to stand by that.

i don't hear anyone, ANYONE, saying they want to get rid of contraception and birth control completely

complete nonsense if you think they are.

Because no one ever has tried to push abstinence only education in schools right?
you're right

repped+ and didn't read the rest.

contraception is good, unwanted pregnancies are bad (and expensive).

Trying to get rid of birth control is just religious group harvesting a crop of poor undereducated donors 2 decades out. (And altar boys with benefits 1 decade out)
Or you know, use a condom.
i don't hear anyone, ANYONE, saying they want to get rid of contraception and birth control completely

Of course, the Roman Catholic Church has 1.2 billion members worldwide.
You know this, right?

I understand that the Republicans USED to say they wanted to end contraception, but they gave up saying it. I think privately they'd all tell you they want it gone, they're just not going to say it on camera now.

Like I said, you guys can do back-flips over this 5-4 decision (guess who the 5 were, lol), and cheer your heads off. For females aged 18-35, do you think this behavior is going to win you votes with them?
Because no one ever has tried to push abstinence only education in schools right?

yeah, and it hasn't worked, ever

that's like saying okay everyone, stop being human

but no, no one is saying let's get rid of contraceptives or birth control, that would be complete lunacy. we'd have 2 billion more worthless mescans and niggers in this country alone in a couple of years.

fuck that hog shit
Like I said, you guys can do back-flips over this 5-4 decision (guess who the 5 were, lol), and cheer your heads off. For females aged 18-35, do you think this behavior is going to win you votes with them?

no, i don't. in fact, i think it's going to push us closer to the constitution being burned and scrapped, no more 1st amendment, fuck your rights, fuck your religion, you do what we tell you or it's the fema camp for you.

congrats on your victory.

havax lives in perpetual rage induced uncultured ignorance

you damn skippy
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