Hobby Lobby Wins Contraceptive Ruling in Supreme Court

shut the fuck up pedo..I would think you wouldn't want birth control so more kids are produced in greater delicious numbers
k8 is on bc and she still takes plan b like an addict because she wants to be sure

guess its irresponsible fucking when a woman takes plan b to be sure shes not pregnant

plan b like an addict? plan b is like $50 a pill, and it can really screw up a woman's hormones.

k8 doesn't sound very bright.

and yes, taking plan b like an addict doesn't mean you are fucking responsibly.

in fact, it most likely means the opposite.
it's not always about money

sometimes it's about ethics

which is exactly what this case was about

and don't give me that "oh well my religion wants to kill people so will that be legal too?" shit

letting people get away with murder because of their religion is a bit different than letting them not pay for contraceptives forcefully.

But they don't have to pay for contraceptives. That's the whole grand compromise Obama came up with.

And if it's about ethics it's just as unethical to pay someone money when you know they're going to turn around and spend that money on something you consider to be unethical. Hobby lobby will be enabling the ethical behavior they object to.
plan b like an addict? plan b is like $50 a pill, and it can really screw up a woman's hormones.

k8 doesn't sound very bright.

and yes, taking plan b like an addict doesn't mean you are fucking responsibly.

in fact, it most likely means the opposite.

havax is right it is sinful to take the plan b pill and force a period every time you are worried about pregnancy as it can screw up a womans hormones just like regular birth control screws them up and this is unforgivable as women need to stay docile and fertile for me to inseminate as god has commanded
plan b like an addict? plan b is like $50 a pill, and it can really screw up a woman's hormones.

k8 doesn't sound very bright.

and yes, taking plan b like an addict doesn't mean you are fucking responsibly.

in fact, it most likely means the opposite.

Plan b is an ultra high dose of hormones that prevents implantation of an embryo.

So yeah, in the short term it screws up her hormones.

But it's so not dangerous the fda approved it for over the counter sale.
he doesnt get that normal birth control screws up hormones too and is loaded with side effects as well because that knowledge is for sinful heathens and against gods will

Birth Control Side Effects: What you don't know could hurt you.FLO Living

How many of these common birth control side effects are you familiar with?

Nausea, vomiting, constipation, or bloating
Irregular menstruation and spotting
Breast swelling or tenderness
Decreased libido
Weight gain or loss of appetite
Mood swings, anxiety, nervousness or depression
Changes in vaginal discharge and vaginal infections
Headaches, dizziness and fatigue
High blood pressure and cholesterol
Acne or permanent discolouration of the face
Fluid retention
Bone density loss
Hair loss or changes in hair growth
Enlarged ovarian follicles

And how about these potential long-term complications of hormonal birth control?

Eye problems or vision impairment
Gallbladder disease and gallstones
Resistance to Insulin
Immune system suppression
Heart attack
Breast tumors and liver tumors
Ectopic Pregnancies
Links with certain cancers such as cervical cancer
Blood clots in legs, lungs, heart and brain
havax i found u an internet friend you can celebrate gods might with

ojo,Ghana says:
January 7, 2014 at 5:30 am
i went out wid a girl for nearly four year.she had used birth-control pills in previous rlatnship.she had heart problems during our rlatnship.on top of that she got pregnant four times n miscarried all of them.
i tink dat dis alteration of hormonal releases is unnatural n dangerous.women out there should watch out n use condoms instead.babies are bound to be made when we hav sex at the right time.be wise..!!
k8 took plan b 5 times over the course of a year she is a sinner and irresponsible and has ruined our future in christ
yeah because that's what i said

and you said she took it like she was addicted to it

so you are the liar, my friend.
I hope the population on this planet reaches 10,000,000,000 by 2020. What a joy this place is going to be just because some women have too much self respect to take it on the chest.
not my fault you take every word written literally because you got bible belt brainwashed

5 times in a year is a fuck load for a potent contraceptive thats equivalent to about 3 packs of bc pills at once

trying to convince her to just rely on pregnancy tests and bc pills was like pulling teeth and shed come out with a 3-5 day period after taking plan b etc but was still ready the next month to go again but sorry i said she acted like an addict as it didnt fit your understanding of the word addict

you do realize plan b can only be used once every ovulation cycle which is about a month or does god not tell you these things too because it is sinful
why u gotta be a dick about it, bro?


and wtf do you think addict means?
contraception is good, unwanted pregnancies are bad (and expensive).

Trying to get rid of birth control is just religious group harvesting a crop of poor undereducated donors 2 decades out. (And altar boys with benefits 1 decade out)
for fucks sake

no one is trying to get rid of birth control
