Hobby Lobby Wins Contraceptive Ruling in Supreme Court

i think it's a great breakthrough for science and health, and they should do more research on stem cells and creating stem cells without destroying embryos (which they can do now).

why cant they destroy embryos that are aborted or already lost?

ips and adult stem cells are fundamentally different than embryonic stem cells and have different limits
jomo all about being conservative republican and posting on internet

but hes actually the thing that group hates because he cant stop shitting his pants and lives off tax payer money

jomo all about being conservative republican and posting on internet

but hes actually the thing that group hates because he cant stop shitting his pants and lives off tax payer money


a lot of conservatives are like this

hate poor people but are poor and end up supporting elite rich ppl
what makes jomo a real scumbag is not the sheer ignorant uneducated hypocrisy,but that he is just waiting for his father to die so he can inherent more money to shit on
obama has done a lot of shiest shit like put a telco exec in charge of the fcc or prosecuting big banks for the hft flash crash

but hes also done a lot of good like having a plan for america's health care to be socialized by 2018 and the BRAIN initiative which puts 300 mil a year for the next 10 years into darpa and related companies to make people smarter and heal ptsd/tbi's of soldiers coming home

hes done pretty good for what hes up against
Interesting...Source? I have a hard time believing that actually works out for them.


WASHINGTON — The Obama administration took another step on Friday to enforce a federal mandate for health insurance coverage of contraceptives, announcing how the new requirement would apply to the many Roman Catholic hospitals, universities and social service agencies that insure themselves.

In such cases, the administration said, female employees and students will still have access to free coverage of contraceptives.

The coverage will be provided by the companies that review and pay claims — “third-party administrators” — or by “some other independent entity,” it said.

Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, said the government would guarantee women access to contraceptives “while accommodating religious liberty interests.”
insurance companies wouldn't cover it for free if it didn't make financial sense.

birth control pills cost about $15 to $50 a month + generally one or two checkups per year for renewal.

baby delivery costs between $3000 and $30,000 assuming there's no complications. and then there's a ton of checkups involved, prenatal screenings and health checks and vitamins to make sure the baby doesn't come out developmentally disabled (much more expensive). and then there's the baby that needs care and so on.

sterilization processes are usually covered for free on most plans that cover contraception. the procedure for men is quick and cheap and safe and it eliminates the baby costs and risks.
I usually don't side with the religious, but technically they're a private entity and can do what they want. If you don't like it you don't have to work there.

The flip side is, what if everyone starts doing it? The Supreme Court just gave every one an opt-out that saves businesses money, which will obviously be abused even by those not religious.
9/11 was a legal act because it was out of religious belief allah ahkbar jihad

when isis believing imams start muslim gatherings in public parks to preach to muslim kids about how the infidels are evil and must be destroyed that is also the act of a private entity and perfectly legal as well
but that's the retarded part. covering birth control pills doesn't cost the businesses money.

Cloudy Contraception Costs
For instance, a 2004 study published in the journal Contraception found that oral contraceptives resulted in cost-savings of $8,827 per woman over two years — compared with using no contraception at all. Global Health Outcomes Inc., a health care research firm, found that employers who provide contraception coverage annually save $97 per employee when the costs of contraceptives, unintended pregnancies, related absences and employee replacement are considered.
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u mean if u provide contraceptives to people that live in a world where abortion is seen as sinful they wont have to take expensive pregnancy leaves as often and your company will save money?

wat is this sinful trickery satan
people being able to force other people to keep paying for everything they want, their every fucking whim, is a bigger slippery slope than this ruling IMO.

you want something....try buying it yourself for once.

such a crazy concept it is all but lost on most Americans today.

people being able to force other people to keep paying for everything they want, their every fucking whim, is a bigger slippery slope than this ruling IMO.

you want something....try buying it yourself for once.

such a crazy concept it is all but lost on most Americans today.


i as a conservative also believe it is just for the top 1% earners in the united states and their respective businesses to pay less taxes and hoard their money because they earned it

if u dont earn ur money u deserve to be poor and suffering

if u r dumb enough to be walking with ur girlfriend and get hit by a drunk driver it is ur responsibility to pay for your life long medical care because you got hit by the car i heard it from havax so it must be true and sound
but that's the retarded part. covering birth control pills doesn't cost the businesses money.

Cloudy Contraception Costs

it's not always about money

sometimes it's about ethics

which is exactly what this case was about

and don't give me that "oh well my religion wants to kill people so will that be legal too?" shit

letting people get away with murder because of their religion is a bit different than letting them not pay for contraceptives forcefully.
abortion is murder because an embryo dies and that little cluster of cells that looks nothing like a human has a soul and dies in gods name amen
sometimes i think people like dare actually enjoy the fact that fetuses get killed daily

i think it brings them much pleasure
people being able to force other people to keep paying for everything they want, their every fucking whim, is a bigger slippery slope than this ruling IMO.

you want something....try buying it yourself for once.

such a crazy concept it is all but lost on most Americans today.


forcing other people to pay for the benefit of others

do you pay taxes, did you just enter the work force how are you this dumb