Hobby Lobby Wins Contraceptive Ruling in Supreme Court

I know, then Hobby Lobby could just not hire dummy shit worker women in the first place.

stay home and care for your goddamn uterus in private.
why did we attack iraqistan when those practicing muslims flew their planes into the world trade centers on 9/11 they was just practicing jihad as part of their religion they r innocent
no, it's not a bad thing

i'm all for it

the less negro babies the better i always say

but unfortunately, some religions are against contraception, and they shouldn't be forced to pay for it for someone else if there is truly going to be religious freedom in this country :shrug:

That's complete nonsense. There is no such thing as complete religious liberty in this country if the precepts of the religion are contrary to state/federal law. Human sacrifice is illegal. Bigamy is illegal. This idea that religions should be able to do whatever they want if they wrap their faith around it is dangerous and retarded.

Insurance companies were going to provide contraceptives free even if the employer didn't want to pay for it. This is a business decision. It's cheaper to provide contraception for the insurance companies. They're the one paying out of something happens. If the insurance companies are coveting the cost I don't see how this means the company is paying for or providing contraception.
you don't like their benefits? don't work for them. people are so stupid.

Yeah I don't agree with it, but at the same time, who cares? Hobby Lobby isn't exactly the pinnacle of careers, people can just go elsewhere.

Only issue is if everybody starts trying to claim some random stupid thing goes against their religion and tries to opt out of this and that.

Does Canadian health care system cover contraceptives?

let the democrats have legal weed socialized health care womens rights and invest in green technology instead of war

Good luck with that. Only 20% of that group currently pays income tax. With legal weed and free birth control, that number will drop to 10%.
So no then?

contraceptives is a broad word

we get a variety of condoms for free in most social community places but can also buy them over the counter

abortions are free ive been with ex gfs to a couple

contraceptive pills im pretty sure every1 has to pay for (at least thats what my gf does) but they're very cheap. if you have insurance through work or parents they're free

canada stopped being a nice small population socialist country ever since harper took over with a minority marginalized vote

hes pretty much canada's version of bush and has worked hard to reverse the country's progress 20 years

so i wouldnt be surprised if premarital sex suddenly becomes illegal in the next few days
This highlights the stupidity of making health insurance the main mechanism of medical care and then tying that insurance to employment.
omg it's the end of the world for all women everywhere

down with hobby lobby!

how dare my company not pay for my uterus murder!

it's none of their business if i want them to pay for it!
Rush talked about this on his show today, so I feel like an expert now.

Everyone still pays, it's not free because the insurance premiums will go up. And where is the line drawn for a "closely held company" when a small business is the same thing?