Hobby Lobby Wins Contraceptive Ruling in Supreme Court

Rush talked about this on his show today, so I feel like an expert now.

Everyone still pays, it's not free because the insurance premiums will go up. And where is the line drawn for a "closely held company" when a small business is the same thing?

do you have aspergers or what

you should be slapped just for saying you listen to rush, simpleton
hes anti progressive

being old stupid and stubborn probably hurts

i bet it hurts being young stupid and stubborn too

u gonna have double my hurt when you get to be my age, apparently

and no, i'm not against abortion, dare

i'm glad you got your gfs to get some

society thanks you, bro
Rush talked about this on his show today, so I feel like an expert now.

Everyone still pays, it's not free because the insurance premiums will go up. And where is the line drawn for a "closely held company" when a small business is the same thing?

why is the states the only country in the world where the premiums go up even though they have some of the most average health care in the world
its true that people have broken away from the progressive conservative traditional path and now are wrapped up in neocon theocracy land

truly fucked
i'm not anti abortion

i couldn't give two shits if a woman wants to kill her baby

that's her problem later, not mine

i will say that if it was my wife or gf that wanted to kill the baby, i might want her to talk to me about it first, and i would probably try to stop her, but if that's what she wanted, fine, fuck her.

that being said, i'm proud of jd for doing the right thing and keeping her baby
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The correct answer, of course, is mandatory tubal ligation/vasectomy for everyone (exceptions could be made for those with the money and connections to influence the appropriate panel). Otherwise, reversal would be permitted only after a lengthy application process, much like that for adoption but more strenuous (to make adoption the more attractive path).
Right thing? :lol:

Inept people keeping their fetus alive and being unable to provide for said fetus is not the right thing in the least. Spics and Jigaboos aren't doing the right thing when they refuse to get an abortion.
if you can afford it, and you can take responsibility, then the right thing to do would be to let the human live, right?

or do you not agree with that, either?
what about embryonic stem cells what do you think about those havax

male contraception is pretty much illegal in the states

they even have used testosterone in contraceptive studies that were a success (this is where steroid users get all of their basic information from if they arent stupid and taking them blindly on advice of a friend)

the testosterone didnt get marketed for whatever reason but it was pretty interesting to see how it shut down sperm production + made ppl jacked
If they can truly afford to care for their child then I am okay with whichever decision they make. It is those that cannot afford their child and refuse to have an abortion that irk me.
I'd rather have jomo's dad had access to free contraceptives than now paying for this dork to be jobless and shit in government funded daipers
what about embryonic stem cells what do you think about those havax

i think it's a great breakthrough for science and health, and they should do more research on stem cells and creating stem cells without destroying embryos (which they can do now).