[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

How many times has this been deemed unconstitutional now?


Federal appeals panel skeptical of ObamaCare’s preventative care authority
Republicans don’t like it because it’s socialism. I was simply pointing that out fact to amram. I’m not here to judge what’s better for the universe.

Oh and:
What does that say?
Republicans don’t like it because it’s socialism. I was simply pointing that out fact to amram. I’m not here to judge what’s better for the universe.

Oh and:
What does that say?
And you think this is the same thing as socialism as a type of government?

thats adorable.
u guys can go after obamacare and the commies can go after trump

I'll accept the courts decision in both cases

who's with me and supertrap
The commies have already went after Trump and obviously failed.. like a poor marksman, they keep missing the target
i like the part itt where ppl say it's socialist medicine when u impose heavy fines upon poor ppl 4 not having enuff money 2 buy mandated for-profit health insurance
how long ago was obamacare passed again

great exercise for ur noodle

it was back in the obama supermajority days and we got that crap instead of the canadacare the dems promised us

it's like as if they r in the pockets of their big insurance company donors w/ their republican buds! wtf!
I have heard that democrats are pressuring sotomayor to retire cause she will drop dead and give trump another scotus pick sealing a conservative majority. I have heard that.. kraken.. no, not so much
All I can do is point out what I was taught in university, and there are historical precedents and decades of statistics to look back on.
Republicans until now have given out weapons to whoever has asked. They did this for economic reasons that I have tried to put in layman’s terms.
Trump is not smarter than the legions of politicians that have come before him, even without data this is nearly impossible and unfathomable, and his isolationist polices are the complete opposite of his traditional party politics. Those are facts. He just isn’t that smart, you’re giving him too much credit, and then you’re parroting what’s he’s telling you. This is also a fact.
You weren't taught anything. You were brainwashed by kikes ("professors") propagating Keynesian economics (which you don't understand anyway). You are parroting it here, because: "that's what I was taught." So in other words, you have no knowledge of your own, you lack the critical thinking to figure out that not everything that another person (professor) says is true, and aren't smart enough to dig yourself out of the hole that you were gullible enough to be dug into. You put it in "layman's terms," because you know nothing else. You're a literal parrot. You using the term against someone else is funny.

Your knowledge on American politics (and probably the world, let's be honest), is that of a child or someone who watches CNN daily. You said "Republicans until now have given weapons out to whoever asked." It's almost as if there is a clear rift on the conservative side as to what actual Americans want vs what people who are paid and bought for by the military industrial complex wants. This is the brain dead obvious divide that's been evident for at least a decade or two, but goes way back: neocon (kikes) vs traditional conservatives. Fun fact: neocons aren't conservative and religion doesn't equate to conservatism. They're corrupt big-government, bought and paid for shills for large corporations (think McCain, but I doubt you know who that is), which isn't too dissimilar to Democrats at this point. Democrats are just further along on the Marxist train.

Furthermore, since you don't know what a neocon is, which is why you don't know what isolationist means. They made that term "relevant" by saying if you don't support giving billions to <insert country here>, then you're isolationist. By your retard-level understanding, anything less than nuclear war intervention is isolationist. They used this term to browbeat anyone who doesn't want to spend endless money on corrupt causes that line their pockets. You don't want our men dying in some shithole desert in the Middle East? Well, you're an isolationist. And you're parroting it here because you're a useful idiot.

And finally, you keep bringing Trump up over and over because you have a severe case of TDS, which you keep trying to hide by saying "well, we're in a Trump thread, derrr" even though most of this thread isn't actually discussing him, and he's definitely not the topic at hand.

Are you implying that because you pay taxes to the government, your children get free education but it’s not actually free because you pay taxes?
Is that some sort of twisted Trump economics model you are using?
:ftard: It's almost as if these political theories existed for centuries before Trump and somehow you keep mentioning him as if he's an expert and we're all quoting what he's saying on the matter.

The idea that the government printing hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air that goes DIRECTLY into the pockets of the wealthiest people (war-mongers, banks, war-machines), somehow helps "Americans," is probably the most assinine political or economic thing ever uttered here. Congratulations on that. We've had our fair share of leftist retards here and even some neocons dipshits, but that takes the cake. It's interesting especially from the perspective that both commies and conservatives would agree your take is wildly idiotic and wrong. Congrats again.
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You weren't taught anything. You were brainwashed by kikes ("professors") propagating Keynesian economics (which you don't understand anyway). You are parroting it here, because: "that's what I was taught." So in other words, you have no knowledge of your own, you lack the critical thinking to figure out that not everything that another person (professor) says is true, and aren't smart enough to dig yourself out of the hole that you were gullible enough to be dug into. You put it in "layman's terms," because you know nothing else. You're a literal parrot. You using the term against someone else is funny.

Your knowledge on American politics (and probably the world, let's be honest), is that of a child or someone who watches CNN daily. You said "Republicans until now have given weapons out to whoever asked." It's almost as if there is a clear rift on the conservative side as to what actual Americans want vs what people who are paid and bought for by the military industrial complex wants. This is the brain dead obvious divide that's been evident for at least a decade or two, but goes way back: neocon (kikes) vs traditional conservatives. Fun fact: neocons aren't conservative and religion doesn't equate to conservatism. They're corrupt big-government, bought and paid for shills for large corporations (think McCain, but I doubt you know who that is), which isn't too dissimilar to Democrats at this point. Democrats are just further along on the Marxist train.

Furthermore, since you don't know what a neocon is, which is why you don't know what isolationist means. They made that term "relevant" by saying if you don't support giving billions to <insert country here>, then you're isolationist. By your retard-level understanding, anything less than nuclear war intervention is isolationist. They used this term to browbeat anyone who doesn't want to spend endless money on corrupt causes that line their pockets. And you're parroting it here because you're a useful idiot.

And finally, you keep bringing Trump up over and over because you have a severe case of TDS, which you keep trying to hide by saying "well, we're in a Trump thread, derrr" even though most of this thread isn't actually discussing thread, and definitely not the topic at hand.

:ftard: It's almost as if these political theories existed for centuries before Trump and somehow you keep mentioning him as if he's an expert and we're all quoting what he's saying on the matter.

The idea that the government printing hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air that goes DIRECTLY into the pockets of the wealthiest people (war-mongers, banks, war-machines), somehow helps "Americans," is probably the most assinine political or economic thing ever uttered here. Congratulations on that. We've had our fair share of leftist retards here and even some neocons dipshits, but that takes the cake. It's interesting especially from the perspective that both commies and conservatives would agree your take is wildly idiotic and wrong. Congrats again.
Honestly man, reading this and commenting on anything you say is a complete waste of time. I stopped after the “brainwashed by like professors.”
I think you need to get a grip on reality, but I know that will never happen.
Like how does a person like you interact with others irl? I sort of get a guy like Havax that has his little church group, I disagree with him, but I can see him having like minded friends around. Or Severed, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t need that social interaction in his life, and doesn’t give a fuck if anyone thinks he’s off his rocker.
But you, where do you find friends? How do you find friends? Do you actually talk about this stuff with humans? Like what do people actually say to you when you open your mouth in real life and this kind of nonsensical drivel comes out?
These are rhetorical questions, I don’t need you to answer them.