[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

Honestly man, reading this and commenting on anything you say is a complete waste of time. I stopped after the “brainwashed by like professors.”
I think you need to get a grip on reality, but I know that will never happen.
Like how does a person like you interact with others irl? I sort of get a guy like Havax that has his little church group, I disagree with him, but I can see him having like minded friends around. Or Severed, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t need that social interaction in his life, and doesn’t give a fuck if anyone thinks he’s off his rocker.
But you, where do you find friends? How do you find friends? Do you actually talk about this stuff with humans? Like what do people actually say to you when you open your mouth in real life and this kind of nonsensical drivel comes out?
These are rhetorical questions, I don’t need you to answer them.
Oh lord, you sound like a butt-hurt fucking crybaby.

I don't think it's productive to discuss anything further. You're firmly in the "deranged leftist who knows they're ignorant, but stays the course anyway" crowd.
So facts only presented in a safe environment? Those stick and stones don't hold a candle to the power of words to maim huh?

Remember taxpayer, you didn't fund the stuff your money buys. The government did. That's socialism.

(Canadian university education)
Remember taxpayer, you didn't fund the stuff your money buys. The government did. That's socialism.

(Canadian university education)
:rofl: War is socialism too! It's all socialism!

She is a hapless idiot. There's no reaching people that stupid, which is why it's so dangerous to have kikes brainwashing our children in the first place. They'll find the dumbest ones to become the biggest champions of their cause.
It's staggering really. I dunno if it's indoctrination or just a general inability to think about concepts.

Imagine telling me that my kids public education is a handout, after I make it clear that I pay hundreds of thousands in taxes. And then doubling and tripling down on this stupidity. It's absurd.
It's staggering really. I dunno if it's indoctrination or just a general inability to think about concepts.

Imagine telling me that my kids public education is a handout, after I make it clear that I pay hundreds of thousands in taxes. And then doubling and tripling down on this stupidity. It's absurd.
It is a handout. Education is provided for by the government in this country. You’re using some sort of mental gymnastics to try and prove otherwise, but it’s a simple concept, if you paid directly for your children’s schooling, where are the receipts?
See? Just nuts. Maybe we can look up the definition of handout next, since finding socialism was too hard :ROFLMAO:

Remember guys, it's mental gymnastics to suggest taxpayers fund services.
See? Just nuts. Maybe we can look up the definition of handout next, since finding socialism was too hard :ROFLMAO:

Remember guys, it's mental gymnastics to suggest taxpayers fund services.
If you paid a private corporation for your child’s schooling, instead of having the government pay for it with taxes like Havax suggested, you would have paid for your child’s schooling.
Under the socialist and communist model, such businesses are prohibited, and universal education and health care are core principals. You pay taxes so that the government may provide education and health care.
Socialism is a spectrum and the further left it goes, the more the government operates businesses like power companies, telecommunications, media, transportation. To where you end up with communism and almost everything is a state owned corporation.

So I’ll ask one last fucking time you muppet fuck, if you paid for your child schooling, where are the fucking receipts?
So you paid a flat rate to the government for schooling.
I too get such a line on my property tax form, yet I don’t send children to school. And of course in no way is collecting $1500 enough to send anyone to public school for even a month, so where else does the money come from?
We pay taxes. The government pays for and arranges education.
Theres no receipt for it, you said so yourself earlier.
i unfortunately don't get a personal receipt for the $90,000 "hammer" that was purchased by the pentagon, still doesn't mean i didn't pay for it. :shrug:
You didn't bro. Government paid for it. That's how things work. They have money from some other place. Your money wasn't used for the hammer it was something else.

I would like to thank VISA for paying for all my lunches and alcohol. And the bank for paying for my car.
oh wait, are you talking about the magical gnome money? yes, i remember, that's where they get it from.

i've also heard that a lot of the funds come from leprechauns when they generously provide pots of gold for the government.