[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

i unfortunately don't get a personal receipt for the $90,000 "hammer" that was purchased by the pentagon, still doesn't mean i didn't pay for it. :shrug:
So, who owns the hammer?
Does the pentagon have the receipt?
Who paid for the hammer exactly?
Your concept of ownership is probably out of touch.
You didn't bro. Government paid for it. That's how things work. They have money from some other place. Your money wasn't used for the hammer it was something else.

I would like to thank VISA for paying for all my lunches and alcohol. And the bank for paying for my car.
So the bank owns your car?
No they're socialists nobody owns my car. I didn't build it. I didn't even see the money.

Wait do I even have a car?

This "ownership" stuff is hard.
I thought I bought a house one time but I never actually handed over any money for it so now I'm confused about who bought this house I live in.