[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

I mean really, the smart thing to do would've been to go on ahead and have let Trump do his consecutive terms and then he'd have been finished and gone. Now you dummies elected a 1 term zombie candidate to president and ended up with a book end Trump presidency that's going to go on for another 4.
I mean really, the smart thing to do would've been to go on ahead and have let Trump do his consecutive terms and then he'd have been finished and gone. Now you dummies elected a 1 term zombie candidate to president and ended up with a book end Trump presidency that's going to go on for another 4.
I think this is very true and part of a larger "he needs to be punished!" sentiment that has been an increasing part of the leftist personality over the years. Like if the left politically defeats someone, it never ends. They want to take away their livelihood, go after people they know ect. I think a lot of this has to do with the left becoming more feminine both due to the nature of men who are on the left, and more women becoming political at the same time women are becoming more unhappy, hopeless, emotionally unstable, and single. Once you see cancel culture as "mean girl" behavior you'd see among grade school aged girls, you'll never unsee it.

I think all the endless going after Trump legally since his 1st term has only served to piss him off. If he has a 2nd term now it's going to be a revenge arc. If they let him have a 2nd term the first time around it would have been business as usual.
The DNC could just “mess up” his medication in the next few days and have a younger candidate lined up that could easily win.

Could they get him on the ballots of certain States answer that question for me please....

It is possible that the Democrats have written laws that scribe them into a box...
But really what the f*** do they care about law.
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Trust the plan because if enough people believe in the plan we can make the plan come true because we see what the f*** we see.

You're Fired D.C.
Bring it all back to the States
all of it
and all
But will Democrat voters actually show up to support an obviously senile dementia patient? Is their hatred for Trump strong enough? Could the path to the presidency be any easier for Trump at this point?
But will Democrat voters actually show up to support an obviously senile dementia patient? Is their hatred for Trump strong enough? Could the path to the presidency be any easier for Trump at this point?
I think you’re strongly exaggerating Biden’s lack of mental fitness. It’s clear he needs to retire for sure. I feel like a sock puppet could beat Trump. I’m even noticing it on this board where real deal Trump supporters are starting to doubt his mental fitness as well, and appear to have noticed how much he lies.
I think you’re strongly exaggerating Biden’s lack of mental fitness. It’s clear he needs to retire for sure. I feel like a sock puppet could beat Trump. I’m even noticing it on this board where real deal Trump supporters are starting to doubt his mental fitness as well, and appear to have noticed how much he lies.
oh really? Please point out where any "real deal" supporter has doubted his mental fitness. Please!

Have we spoken out about some of his comments being unnecessarily inflammatory, or not well thought out? Sure. Have we said he has flaws? Yep.

But your desperate attempt to label Trump as mentally unfit is comical. I saw the MSM try it too...a few weeks ago they had all the pundits talking about how Biden was not feeble or confused, but Trump was. Nobody but you clueless sheep bought it. The debate proved them wrong.

So please....keep saying Trump is the one who is mentally unfit. Every time you say "mentally unfit", the independents just think of Biden...and that isn't helping your cause.

At this point, I am not sure anyone could exaggerate Biden's mental troubles.
oh really? Please point out where any "real deal" supporter has doubted his mental fitness. Please!

Have we spoken out about some of his comments being unnecessarily inflammatory, or not well thought out? Sure. Have we said he has flaws? Yep.

But your desperate attempt to label Trump as mentally unfit is comical. I saw the MSM try it too...a few weeks ago they had all the pundits talking about how Biden was not feeble or confused, but Trump was. Nobody but you clueless sheep bought it. The debate proved them wrong.

So please....keep saying Trump is the one who is mentally unfit. Every time you say "mentally unfit", the independents just think of Biden...and that isn't helping your cause.

At this point, I am not sure anyone could exaggerate Biden's mental troubles.
You think Trumps unhinged lies in the debate were real?