[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

You think Trumps unhinged lies in the debate were real?

List his lies. I know of one thing he said that isn't entirely accurate, but since you have a list...show it. Now I know you will simply copy and paste from some article...that is fine. But if you don't think all politicians alter facts....shit..I can't help you.

Can you be fair and list Biden's lies too? Border patrol endorsed him? No service members have died during his administration? (lets just ignore Afghanistan and Tower 22)? Come on man!

So are you inferring that if he lied, he was mentally unfit? Or are you just echoing your favorite demoncrat Nancy?

Look, Biden was just a placeholder president. His mental unfitness goes back decades. He's done his time.
well, this might be the first time I have ever agreed with you.

I was pissed that Trump lost, and even speculative of those statistically improbable votes at 3am. After the election, I told myself that maybe a seasoned, experienced person like Biden who used to be more centrist, would calm our country down and maybe we could still be OK. Then it was spend spend spend us into bad inflation, open the border, cave in to the green plan idiots, give up energy independence, look like a lost old man in front of the world, and send tons of cash to Ukraine.

I am blown away at what this placeholder accomplished in 3 years, and not in a good way.

I think it exemplifies the issue with the democratic party and many democrats. They do not want to give up power. Imagine if Biden had said "just one term" and let the dems use 3 years to find and solidify behind a young, experienced candidate!

But Jill doesn't want to move out of the white house, so she keeps pushing Joe. Joe doesn't want to leave, and so many dems got behind him only to be embarrassed at the debate.

The left is comical. I wonder if the MSM was neutral and just reported the news, and there wasn't all these Biden defenders hosting shows (looking at you Morning Joe) still saying Biden is the guy....maybe the DNC would get its shit together.
Would you like it if the left kills Biden to try to salvage presidential power?

His life is in danger

The left is plotting to kill Biden at this very moment. Trust me.
this is not a democrat/republican issue

it is an issue with boomers both in politics and in private industry

they are a malignant tumor on the body of society
I’m starting to recognize this as well. You can lump in the very elder bits of Gen X too. It’s time for them to pass the torch.
ya my parents r last of the boombers/first of the geriatricX and i can tell u my mom is fking cooked, probly early onset dementia w/ cirrhosis (she still drinks and hides bottles like a fking middle schooler) and rheumatoid arthritis

dad would retire but he's hanging on 2 that silly valley cadillac health plan until mom's old enuff 4 medicare

so basically this is obama's fault b/c he promised eurocommie care and all we got was bad insurance plans and now boombers r camping out jobs way past their own sell by date b/c they're quite frankly shit w/ handling finances
u bring up a good point i forgot, boombers instilling hopelessness by creating and maintaining a system/culture wherein there is no promotion, no raise, no reward offered in exchange 4 hard work b/c they're worried about protecting their quarterly bonuses and there's only so much money in the pot u kno
oh, its always the extremely rich and their greed that causes the problems. Not the retards that barely graduated high school with no marketable skills, or have their degree in African's women studies and surprisingly can't find a job, or those straight out of college with their liberal arts degrees that think the only reason they didn't immediately get that $500k house, and new tesla is because of guys like warren buffet.
oh, its always the extremely rich and their greed that causes the problems. Not the retards that barely graduated high school with no marketable skills, or have their degree in African's women studies and surprisingly can't find a job, or those straight out of college with their liberal arts degrees that think the only reason they didn't immediately get that $500k house, and new tesla is because of guys like warren buffet.
When boomers young adults, you could buy a place in Vancouver proper, single detached with a large yard, you could have a stay at home wife, 2 kids, and 2 cars in the garage with a cab drivers salary and no university level education. Free health care. Cable. Boomer parents died relatively young and passed that wealth on to their 40 year old kids and grand kids. I mean you could buy a single detached at like 20-25 if you got an education.

It’s a little different now.