[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

I just got back from a pretty large biker weekend. Mostly your typical geezer crowd (myself included) riding an assortment of Harley’s and Indian motorcycles at a campground. Couple thousand folks enjoying freedom. A very small contingent of 1%ers, most folks were peace loving Americans.
Lots of “fuck Joe Biden” banners and Trump 2024 flags at all the campsites. Warmed the cockles of my heart.
I just got back from a pretty large biker weekend. Mostly your typical geezer crowd (myself included) riding an assortment of Harley’s and Indian motorcycles at a campground. Couple thousand folks enjoying freedom. A very small contingent of 1%ers, most folks were peace loving Americans.
Lots of “fuck Joe Biden” banners and Trump 2024 flags at all the campsites. Warmed the cockles of my heart.
Yeah, those events are usually like that. Sturgis this year is going to be awesome. I was there in 2020 during covid, and it was the same.
When boomers young adults, you could buy a place in Vancouver proper, single detached with a large yard, you could have a stay at home wife, 2 kids, and 2 cars in the garage with a cab drivers salary and no university level education. Free health care. Cable. Boomer parents died relatively young and passed that wealth on to their 40 year old kids and grand kids. I mean you could buy a single detached at like 20-25 if you got an education.

It’s a little different now.

b careful

u will spook the boombers w/ ur ~facts~

they fking hate ~facts~ it's why they keep voting 4 the shit we see in california and ny and washington ~DISTRICT OF COLOMBIANS~

they're a bunch of lazy, lying, grifter senile old bidens and we all kno it
When boomers young adults, you could buy a place in Vancouver proper, single detached with a large yard, you could have a stay at home wife, 2 kids, and 2 cars in the garage with a cab drivers salary and no university level education. Free health care. Cable. Boomer parents died relatively young and passed that wealth on to their 40 year old kids and grand kids. I mean you could buy a single detached at like 20-25 if you got an education.

It’s a little different now.
When boomers were young adults, they had the "benefit" of being in the aftermath of WWII and Korea, when we had just spent the last decade or so freeing the shit out of the world and bombing the living fuck out of every respectable manufacturing base on the planet. What we didn't bomb flat, the axis bombed flat for us. We were the only game in town for manufacturing. Multi-mode transportation was in its infancy, and we were still openly racist enough to keep our borders in tight check so the U.S. worker could be a high school educated nimrod and get a decent job because the domestic worker was really the only game in town.

They could get a job straight out of high school that would support a house, car, wife and kids and a retirement because nobody else was making things and the average blue-collar guy wasn't competing with millions of illegals.

So, the same people that wanted us to throw open the doors for every dirt monkey that wants to come here because they want a better life for their family, are the same people, and their families, living in the street or barely making ends meet, and they don't make the connection.

The people that bitch about how they aren't doing so well, have only the basic of education, think anything further than high school is a scam, can't be bothered to lower themselves to the trades, and are so sure they'll be in a lambo and a mansion in the next few years because of their youtube channel or meme coin investment, they haven't bothered to cultivate even the most basic of workplace ethics.
damn kids better get off my grass.

u don't have 2, i'll give u the gist:

typical boomber playbook of gaslighting younger generations, blaming them 4 economic and migration policies implemented and supported by boomer businessmen and politicians (all while being ignorant of this argument's implicit admission that the boombers have driven shit in2 the ground)

then there's accusing a generation w/ an unprecedented college debt burden (thanx 2 boomber administrative bloat in educational institutions) of not wanting 2 further their education beyond high school, pretending legions of nurses assistants w/ altimas aren't on the roads to/from hospitals where they provide exorbitantly expensive health care 4 fat fucking boombers in exchange for verbal abuse and poverty lvl pay, and acting like kids can pursue trades after boombers stripped vocational programs out of the school system and will only take on "experienced" mexicans as apprentices

finally, a one-line joke 2 ease the tension b/c this could turn in2 a weeks-long epic internet argument where boomber lies r ultimately laid bare 4 the world to see, and the world will b mad and wind up coming for the boombers ~once and for all~
we've seen who has no clue about fuck all

they've held the reins of power at all levels in our society for 40 years and in that time, they've destroyed western civilization
And do you know why boomers still hold the reins of power?

Because they can and there isn't anyone that is going to do anything about it.

But really its not your fault, its those mean old companies for not wanting to pay, young, barely or poorly educated people with 0 experience, top dollar, when their job can be done with a better trained 3rd world monkey who wants to work, for 1/10th of their paycheck.

damn rich people.