[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

Could Biden just shoot Trump and say it was his “Presidential Duty” and then win unopposed?
From my understanding, no, because shooting someone isn't an official act.

But he could order someone under his command to do so.

They would likely be held liable for the unlawful order, but the president wouldn't be charged. And the president could also pardon the killer, so they get off too. Fun!
If you can't see the inherent harm in a president who's able to order anyone in the executive branch to conduct crimes on his behalf, be completely unaccountable, and then pardon the person who committed those crimes, idk what to say to you. You just a fan of kings or what?
If you can't see the inherent harm in a president who's able to order anyone in the executive branch to conduct crimes on his behalf, be completely unaccountable, and then pardon the person who committed those crimes, idk what to say to you. You just a fan of kings or what?
I guess you haven't been paying attention these past couple of years with Biden and his doj gestapo :shrug:
The President of the United States calls a press conference and gives a 5 minute speech about how "now" the American people have to decide if Trump is fit for office.

Listen to the speech....its a campaign speech...from the White House.

Oh boy are they running scared. I think they are scared. This whole "any president can and will do anything...except me. I promise."
From my reading, this ruling doesn't give the president any extra authority - he can't make new law, he can't ban a candidate, etc. He's just covered from criminal liability for doing stuff he has authority to do. He can't be accountable for giving an order to kill someone in his capacity as CiC, but if he simply orders the DOJ to arrest them, the court system would have that unconstitutional act overturned in no time, because he had no authority to make that call.

So from what I can tell, this gives the president the go ahead to skip lawfare and jump straight to murder. That's their best option. You can't overturn a bullet on appeal, and the person who gave the order isn't liable for that order. Biden could (in theory) have the election and scotus, and for that matter, congressional balance, solved overnight if he so wished. That's a scary amount of power to give someone.

He could, in theory, order the deaths of every republican in the country.

I don't want my president to have that power. You guys are cool with that?
It's almost if it wasn't a problem until the liberals and leftists went so far left to start massively abusing the justice system to target a former President.


And no, I don't like them having that power, but I also don't want commies throwing their political opposition in jail. That's worse.
From my understanding, no, because shooting someone isn't an official act.

But he could order someone under his command to do so.

They would likely be held liable for the unlawful order, but the president wouldn't be charged. And the president could also pardon the killer, so they get off too. Fun!
Are you sure?
Aaron Burr (3rd VP) and Alexander Hamilton (Sec. of Treasury) had a duel because Burr won a senate seat over Hamiltons' father in law and kind of cock-blocked Hamilton's party (democrats). Sounds kind of official to me
Burr was charged with murder in both New York and New Jersey. He fled to GA and then DC.

I know Hamilton by heart. You want to get in the weeds with me, by all means.