[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

The amount of dumb coming out of the last 2 rulings is popcorn worthy.

Democrats are banking on people not bothering to research so they say whatever they want and sure enough, news goes right along. To them, this is nothing but a marketing play. You do have to hand to them though when a message comes out they ALL parrot it. I mean fuck the people they are supposed to represent right as long as it sounds like they are unified.
It seems like leftists everywhere instantly started making snarky quips about how Biden should have Trump killed. It's very emotional for them.
It seems like leftists everywhere instantly started making snarky quips about how Biden should have Trump killed. It's very emotional for them.
Being less than respectful is a new leftist norm. If you are not on their brand of koolaid it's ok to make threats to someone and their family
Isn't there similar Congressional and Senate immunity already? fuck Why aren't these people murdering each other in the name of democracy?
It seems like leftists everywhere instantly started making snarky quips about how Biden should have Trump killed. It's very emotional for them.
People don't understand that the SC left it up to themselves to determine if a presidential ruling was an official one. So all Biden rulings are non-official and all Trump ones are official, duh.
salty nazi cuck tears 😭
Why is everyone else salty but you Ma’Amram?
It’s almost like you’re the salty one because you’re a short, wop, eunuch that’s defrauded the government (which is also a stereotype). Probably bald too like all the other wops. No wonder you’re so angry all the time, you’re projecting your insecurities on others.

Why is everyone else salty but you Ma’Amram?
It’s almost like you’re the salty one because you’re a short, wop, eunuch that’s defrauded the government (which is also a stereotype). Probably bald too like all the other wops. No wonder you’re so angry all the time, you’re projecting your insecurities on others.

I'll take things that are all lies for $2.99 Andy

I'll take things that are all lies for $2.99 Andy

Just as true as the shit you vomit all over the board :lol:
And it’s not all lies, you are in fact a eunuch because uyoir testes no longer function.
You also claim to have defrauded the Canadian government.
You also claim to be a wop.
I’m just filling in the blanks with the stereotype that wops are short, and bald (and often really hairy), but it’s projecting on my part for sure.

See how that works?
yep I'm romanian gypsy Italian ponytail bald short tax delinquent

and you haven't seen your jawline or your dick in years

Miserable morbid mamram manic malding moody melancholy meltdown on a Tuesday


sad but not shocking!!

Cheer up brah I sent you some takes, even I started to feel bad. Even harambes has more wins then you bru