More Movies You Should (or Shouldn't) See

I love math. I can't do it for the life of me but I still love it. It's beautiful, it's incomprehensible, mind boggling and poetic and I love movies about it. It's my birthday so I'll ask piotrr to get this one for me. I love my new Logitech ergonomic keyboard that I found sitting on my desk this morning, but this movie would be a special treat.

I actually just watched this. I didn't realize it right off, but this is actually set in St. Petersburg FL though its really filmed in savannah GA. The bar they keep talking about "Fergs", is a downtown St. Pete staple, primarily known as a cop bar, been in there many times myself. And the Fergs they show in the movie is WAY nicer than the real Fergs
Im watching a cam version of The sound of freedom on a streaming site. This makes me want to skin these people alive with a butter knife
Can any of our lefties explain why left wing "journalists" are so upset about the sound of freedom movie?
Don't Look Up 2021 (I thought I saw it recommended here but I guess not)

At first I hated how stupid it and everyone was but then I realized this movie perfectly sums up the state of our politics and the infinite stupidity of humanity.

The ending is great how Meryl Streep goes down
You know when you read some news headline that sounds like it's an article from The Onion or Babylon Bee... only to turn out to be completely real and now you're just pissed off that the world is this fucking stupid?

That's how I felt when I watched Don't Look Up. The movie is pitched as satire but really that is exactly how I expect everyone would act.
A lot of humor today is just telling you the truth. It's ironic that only comedians will tell you the truth