More Movies You Should (or Shouldn't) See

jfc wat a shitty ai poster

bring back the 70s hippies who illustrated all the old movie posters

i mean that shit's all like

no ones got time and patience to do that anymore
lost arts
Not a movie, a TV show. We have just finished season 2 with one more remaining.
We like it. Not zombies, not really. A bit sci-fi with a spice of something eerie going on. Nice footage from Australia that doesn't comprise of funnelweb spiders, taipans and crocodiles for a change. Mr Dundee's knife is there though.

That looks pretty good actually, nice original idea for once.
Gwyneth Paltrow always confuses me because she seems to play the smart and savvy characters well but she's absolutely retarded in real life. You'd think it'd be way easier for a smart person to act retarded than a retarded person to act smart.
Gwyneth Paltrow always confuses me because she seems to play the smart and savvy characters well but she's absolutely retarded in real life. You'd think it'd be way easier for a smart person to act retarded than a retarded person to act smart.

Have you seen her on shark tank?
I watched John Wick 4 and it was my least favourite of the franchise.

I really liked Wick for the world building in addition to the choreographed sequences. Each movie seemed to add more details but this 4th instalment didn't really add anything that wasn't already established.

it's 2h 45mins long, and Donnie Yen shows up to play the same character from Rogue One (but without the force (but kinda)).

Some of the sequences just went on too long... or maybe they all did. It gave me a Matrix sequel vibe where you know Neo isn't going to lose, no matter how many Agent Smiths get thrown at him. As if the directors want to raise the stakes by increasing the amount of dudes in his way but as a spectator, you know Wick has so much plot armour that he isn't going to lose so do we really need to sit through half a dozen 20 minute sequences of him killing dudes? There was 1 scene filmed with a top-down perspective that I thought was worth it for the cinematography/stunts. The rest were kind of annoying.
when he…game overs and has to restart the stairs level again…i think i sighed audibly.

the roundabout too felt…do we need this