[Release Thread] Overwatch

Did they fuck up the matchmaking? I just logged into QP and was teamed with a bunch of other solos, 2 guys sub level 10, 2 sub 20, with me and another guy in the 60s, and we were matched against a 4-stack and a duo, lowest of whom was level 90.

I get that level doesn't equal skill, but give me a fucking break. 2/3 of our team were probably playing their characters for the first time. (I know I was, first time I'd played an entire match with Mei)
Did they fuck up the matchmaking? I just logged into QP and was teamed with a bunch of other solos, 2 guys sub level 10, 2 sub 20, with me and another guy in the 60s, and we were matched against a 4-stack and a duo, lowest of whom was level 90.

I get that level doesn't equal skill, but give me a fucking break. 2/3 of our team were probably playing their characters for the first time. (I know I was, first time I'd played an entire match with Mei)

QP is always ass
went 6-6-1 today and lost 101 points. one of those wins was a 5v6 where we pushed and defended with only 5 - that game was actually pretty fun.
Yeah, I won a game yesterday that someone dropped - winning a man down was pretty fun (other team was awful obviously)

How can you tell if the other team are in groups?
Yeah, I won a game yesterday that someone dropped - winning a man down was pretty fun (other team was awful obviously)

How can you tell if the other team are in groups?

Look for the white lines between the character images if you press Tab or on other screens that show all the players portraits.
went 6-6-1 today and lost 101 points. one of those wins was a 5v6 where we pushed and defended with only 5 - that game was actually pretty fun.

I ranked in the 2500's and want to get to diamond, unfortunately it's literally impossible to get +500 because the fucking match making is 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Every game. You can't avoid it

If you go up from your initial placement it's a fucking miracle
I've been getting matched with the trashiest of trash. Offensive Bastion, no healer, Hanzo Genji Widow teams, and everything else you can imagine. I have no idea how these people rank where they do.

I'm down about 150 points right now.
it's the beginning of a new season.

the ratings are all going to be off for a while. it takes a little bit to settle down.
if you lose a lot for a loss it's because you're not playing at whatever the avg for that rating is.

the initial mad dash for placement is always going to be dumb. you have people who are going to get diamond and then end up as gold.
Yeah, I managed to go from gold to plat somehow - but have seen the same bullshit. No healers, offensive torb, symmetra, and bastion.....it's nuts
Did they fuck up the matchmaking? I just logged into QP and was teamed with a bunch of other solos, 2 guys sub level 10, 2 sub 20, with me and another guy in the 60s, and we were matched against a 4-stack and a duo, lowest of whom was level 90.

I get that level doesn't equal skill, but give me a fucking break. 2/3 of our team were probably playing their characters for the first time. (I know I was, first time I'd played an entire match with Mei)

I've been dealing with the same shit in QP, which didn't suck nearly as bad before this last patch. Something's fucky there.
I second the matchmaking issues, had 10 great close qualifying rounds with competent solo players, then nothing but shitlords crying and match leavers. Maybe the match leavers need to reset their dogshit status for season 2 before we stop having to queue with them.
Overwatch Hero Meta Report: Season 2, Meta Boogaloo : Overwatch

S Tier (>=95% Usage Rate): *No one!**
A Tier (>80% Usage Rate): No one!
B Tier (>50% Usage Rate): Zenyatta, Lucio, Zarya, McCree, Reinhardt, Winston
C Tier (>20% Usage Rate): Mercy(!), Genji, Tracer, Reaper
D Tier (>5% Usage Rate): Pharah, Roadhog, Mei, Ana, D.Va, Hanzo, Soldier 76
F Tier (<5 % Usage Rate): Junkrat, Widowmaker, Bastion, Torbjorn, Symmetra
\What is Usage Rate? For every match, I record the time spent on each hero and divide it by that match's total time duration. Each of these Data points (a number from 0-1) are then summed across all sides of all matches, then divided by the total number of sides and converted to a percentage to produce a hero's overall Usage Rate.*
The Tier Ranges I’ve chosen** reflect different states of “Balance” in the Meta. This week, the Meta that is being analyzed is the Meta of 1 hero Limit, and Stopwatch Scoring for successful attacks on Payload Maps.
S Tier "The Overpowered Heroes"
Ding dong, the Lucio/Zenyatta-dominated Meta is dead -- for a little while at least. Buffs to Mercy and nerfs to Lucio and Zenyatta have opened up room for the two other Healing supports in the opening weeks of Season 2, and understandably more Mercy and Ana means less Lucio and Zenyatta.
A Tier "The Core Heroes"
Surprisingly, there were no Heroes that fell into the 80-95% usage range this week, indicating that the Meta is in a state of heavy flux. Teams are in “high experimentation mode”, trying out many new strategies to feel out the impact of the buffs and nerfs that accompanied Season 2’s release. And they should -- the Eleague tourney is just around the corner and $300,000 USD is up for grabs.
B Tier "The Favorites"
Finally we reach the meat of the current Meta. These are the Heroes that just “make sense”, either due to their prior dominance or their superior mechanics and abilities. Pros gravitate to these Heroes when there are lots of unknowns, preferring to have a set “control group” of known Heroes to provide a base to experiment from. This allows them to control as many variables as possible to determine the absolute strength of the newly buffed or nerfed Heroes. Many times, one would see Lucio or Zenyatta paired with an Ana or a Mercy, but not with each other. McCree, with his flashbang, is always going to be a known quantity in his ability to set up kills or pick off flankers. Reinhardt, Zarya, and Winston all fit the mold as strong Tanks with game-changing ultimates -- staples of lineups regardless of the current Meta.
C Tier "The Balanced heroes"
Reports of Genji’s demise were greatly exaggerated. Despite the outcry of Genji mains upon seeing the drastic nerfs he received with Season 2’s release, Genji actually GAINED ground this week in usage relative to the Meta at the Atlantic Showdown LAN. Did Genji get a strong enough nerf? Or were his detractors correct in their assessment that his Deflect or Dash reset were the true source of his “OP” status? Tracer and Reaper held down their spots in the C Tier after receiving no nerfs or buffs, and everyone’s favorite maligned healer, Mercy, made her grand return to relevance this week, clocking in at a 43% overall usage rate. Welcome back, Doctor Ziegler.
D Tier "The Meta Dependent heroes"
The D Tier was quite crowded this week, hinting further at the volatility of the current Meta. Notable appearances include Pharah, Soldier 76, Hanzo, and Mei following buffs to all of their kits. Out of this cohort, I personally expect to see much more of Mei and Ana in the future -- the former for her insane capture point denial through her newly embiggened ultimate and the latter for her pivotal role in the “NiP” strategy, otherwise known as the “3x3” or Triple Support Triple Tank lineup. As for the rest, Pharah is weak to Soldier 76, Hanzo, and McCree up above in the B Tier, so only time will tell if Mercy’s boost in usage and Zenyatta’s Discord Orb nerf is enough to sustain her present usage rate.
F Tier “The ‘Even Season 2 cannot save you’ Heroes”
I don’t want to beat a dead horse with the “Defense” Heroes, but with Season 1 coming to a close and the first week of Season 2 behind us, they once again sit squarely at the bottom of the barrel. It’s no surprise either, none of the Heroes you see here received any sort of balancing as the seasons changed. One slight tweak to Mei’s kit was enough to save her -- what’s stopping Blizzard from turning a couple knobs on Junkrat, Widowmaker, Bastion, Torbjorn? Poor Symmetra even had zero picks out of 101 sides, and over 18 hours of play time!
\* I do not chose the placement of heroes in a Tier, only the Range which defines the Tier. By determining Usage Rate directly from hero Time Played in Tournament Matches, my data is Objectively determined, and not subjective at all.*
g damn i am sick mcree/soldier

moved down to a 7 sens at 400dpi and im just tearing it up

also that 2300-2500 range of gold/plat is shit tier still

u have to be garbage to be silver or lower, i cant even imagine
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Season 1 the majority of my placement matches were good games. Proper picks and good plays on both sides.

Season 2 has been a cluster fuck. One side always has a couple groups and the other side are all solos. One side always has terrible picks (like Mei+Junkrat+Widow+Hanzo, yes that was a match) and the other normal comp builds (2 tank, 2 heal, 2 offense).

It's such a huge contrast. Maybe it's because I didn't play until the end of Season 1 and almost all my matches were with/against already ranked players (vs this time where everyone is unranked and still in their placement matches so they're wildcards)? :psyduck:
meh u just unlucky... all my games have been balanced. and like only 1 leaver so far... and i played like 40 games in s2.

also mei p strong now... and junkrat great on some maps
g damn i am sick mcree/soldier

moved down to a 7 sens at 400dpi and im just tearing it up

also that 2300-2500 range of gold/plat is shit tier still

u have to be garbage to be silver or lower, i cant even imagine

I think you'd be skipping pixels with 7 sens, unless you're playing a like 640x480 or something...

Overwatch DPI Tool
I use 3200dpu @ 4 now.

I can't snipe for shit at that so I lower it to 1600 or 800 when trying to use Widowmaker.
I'm not much of a sniper though. I need to git gud.