[Release Thread] Overwatch

I'm on my way to Diamond. Just a couple hundred more points. I CAN DO IT! WOW!

Anyway, I change heroes quite a bit. Usually twice from my original pick if it's close and I notice the enemy team's composition calls for it.

Even if it means my team moves away from the 2/2/2 or whatever is "accepted". If they're stacked with squishy heroes I'm going monkey man! If they have a Reaper who is dominating I'll Mei, etc.
i fuckin
i'm rank 24 right
well after winning a bunch last night my team of 24, 36, 60 60 100 and 40 got matched with 325, 270, 250, 250, 80, 160

like what the fuck
we got reckt
it definitely does factor in individual performance.

people who hurt their team gain less for winning and lose more for losing.
i don't think it has anything to do with medals i think it has something to do with avgs for that hero at the rank of your team vs your avgs for that game.

ppl say dont use support for ranking etc. all kinds of dumb shit.

i got 148pts for 2 wins and i lost like 100ish for 3 losses. with lucio.
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i feel like 2 of the lowest tier champest are the most OP... mei and junkrat. they absolutely rape on certain points/maps
Even if it means my team moves away from the 2/2/2 or whatever is "accepted". If they're stacked with squishy heroes I'm going monkey man! If they have a Reaper who is dominating I'll Mei, etc.

Had a comp game last night, defending on route 66.. I was playing a lucio 2nd healer but we were just getting marched back, our Rein was just backpedalling, no-one contesting the payload, etc.. We got pushed back into the last indoor checkpoint without the payload ever stopping, I think. Anyhoo.. Wound up saying 'screw this', switched over to Zarya (who I'm awful at, but was the logical choice) and pushed in.. we held them off and wound up winning it after I threw out a black hole to gather up four of them and our d.va threw her ult on top of it and we picked up a team kill.

People need to be ready to change things up to suit the situation - not just in terms of character build of the other side, but how they're running and how you're handling them, too. Seems pretty often folks just get locked in, bashing their heads against the wall.
Oh, and a well-played Mei is ridiculously strong - even before the buff. Working around the edges harassing, and the ult now with the range increase can effectively halt a cap or clear a payload.
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A good Mei can be great now, but when I see one on offense we usually lose. Same thing in general with people using offensive players on defense and vice versa.

Also, if someone is playing Ana on my team, we usually lose. They will usually heal for the first minute then go full of offense. I've only played with a few good Ana's.
i feel like 2 of the lowest tier champest are the most OP... mei and junkrat. they absolutely rape on certain points/maps

Those Tiers are assuming Zen&McCree with robot grade aim on the other team. If that is true it super wrecks a bunch of heroes Pharah, Junk, Mei.. Actually everyone who is bottom tier is there because of how good McCree and Zen rape them.

In normal person play Junkrat is p good imo.
Those Tiers are assuming Zen&McCree with robot grade aim on the other team. If that is true it super wrecks a bunch of heroes Pharah, Junk, Mei.. Actually everyone who is bottom tier is there because of how good McCree and Zen rape them.

In normal person play Junkrat is p good imo.
this is important for people to realize. pro comps are pro comps because there are pros playing characters like mccree, genji etc.

that doesnt mean we avg plebs cant succeed with non-cookie cutter comps because we dont get shut down the same way or face the same issues
maybe in 'masters' it's actually relevant because everyone has enough technical skill for those things to be more important than just being a better shooter.

it's annoying when ppl think 6 man group with pro level technical skill and game knowledge strats apply to their solo q scrub games.

even worse when they don't understand even basic strategy but they want to talk about 'the meta'. shut the fuck up please. choose your best hero and let's win. as long as the team covers the fundamentals (tank, healer, damage) i don't often care about the rest unless it's an obvious hole in your group (no one to pick off pharah, no one to pressure bastion + rein, etc.) which you are being destroyed by.