[Release Thread] Overwatch

Some mad Dunning-Kruger going on in this thread.

The problem with match making and ELO in a team based setting is just variance. Compare to a 1v1 game like Chess or SC, where say a 20% better player will win 95% of the time (bullshit made-up numbers). In OW, if you are 20% better than all 11 other players, its probably more like 60%.

So really you just need to grind more, and if you actually are better than where you are ranked you will rise eventually. It will just take a lot of games which is why its so frustrating.

You can achieve Competitive Zen Nirvana by treating your games in one of three ways:

(1). Accept and chill the fuck out on games where you will lose no matter how well you play.
(2). Have gratitude for the games where you will win no matter how poorly you play
(3a Do everything you can to win the games where YOUR play can make the difference.
(3b) Try to actually recognize games where you had that chance but YOU FUCKED up and learn from it. Didn't use that ult right, didn't call out the hero swap, didn't call for the ult combo push, etc.

1 and 2 will even out over large numbers, focus on 3 and git gud.

And if you're actually good, the odds are in your favor - if there is a shitter(s) in the game, 5 chances for it be on your team vs 6 chances its on the other team. Over the long run if it doesn't seem that way, you are probably the shitter.

The problem happens when you get 3 games in a row that look like (1) and you tilt like crazy, which usually leads YOU to fucking up those winnable games.
on a scale of 300-600 how fat r u
its just how most people are... most of the 99% think they deserve to be the 1% and continue to be stuck in denial instead of accepting reality and improving themselves.
junkrat protip... if u can summon your inner mortaring skills from tribes and hit the same point on the high arch, not low arch. u will be godly at rekking the shielding reinhart and the backline.

wtb targeting laser :p
Leave it to Blizzard to forget to handle something like underflow. That's right up there with using the local system clock for the D3 auction system. :weird:
Yeah it's obvious that playing a tank/support when you're solo is a bad idea. I'm doing much better now that I'm going offensive (Soldier).


Interesting to see that the eliminations/minute are almost the same although the K/D ratio is skewed heavily towards the offensive character (probably because matches end much faster instead of them being drawn out while I stand there with my shield up).

Speaking of which, do people seriously not play tanks in competitive? How else am I in the top 1% of blockers with 10 games? lol


That just proves the whole individual ranking thing is BS. Sure it might give you a small bonus if you do well, but if my stats somehow place me in the top 100-200 Reinhardts and I'm still getting stuck at 2200 ranking, they're full of it. :weird:

completely disagree

Master Overwatch Reinhardt

ive been playing rein solo and moved up from 2100 to 2500 in the last 24 hours.

roadhog is out, people get to charge their ults super fast when hes there

reaper is in
goddamn it's been painful today.. every damn team has just been awful.. "get in voice please." "how do I do that?" just...

I've lost a good 300 points so far. Loss after loss after loss.
stats are only relevant with enough games to show some kind of trend/consistency and also relative to your level of competition.

crushing noobs with rein doesn't mean you're good. it means your stats are inflated because you're playing a bit better than those around you. i know because i've done the same.

you can improve and help your team greatly with any hero.

the system puts you where you belong over time.
there would prob be a lot less complaining if blizz just removed the numbers and made it like cs:go. i really think they should. just have the emblem and divide it into more tiers, that's all you need.
bronze, silver, gold, plat, diamond, master, grandmaster.
it's a mental thing. people see an exact number and then see how much they lose or gain and just want to bitch.