[Release Thread] Overwatch

Torbjorn is not bad for beginner as long as you actually play and dont just stand near your turret. His left click is the real deal.

Reaper is ok early on but you will be bad until you learn the maps.

Junkrat can be good for newbs too.

Torb needs map knowledge to play well too, much moreso than Reaper IMO - you can't just plunk a turret down anywhere and expect to be useful. At least with Reaper you can just melt face then shift out and run away.
I actually find the close range heroes (like Reaper) to be a bit harder because you have to have map/situational awareness. You can't just jump into the middle of a group and expect to do well (even with your ult you need to time it correctly). You need to be strategic and stay in the smaller side-areas away from the main fights as well (where you're guaranteed to get the best use out of your shotgun).

Someone like Soldier or McCree who can sit back (behind the tank, with their support) and pick away at the opposing team might be easier for a beginner. Aim is the only variable there (practice makes perfect).

He's a flanker with double shotguns. I agree that it can be tough at first, but once you have a basic understanding of the maps, you can just sneak up on the back line and wreck people.
Widow is never good. Anyone good with widow should be good with mccree. Mccree is just way better for the team.

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Widow is never good. Anyone good with widow should be good with mccree. Mccree is just way better for the team.

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they are completely different characters with completely different roles only thing they have in common is hitscan
I just played a game where, as Lucio, I had all of the gold medals. I'm fucking shocked that games like this even exist.
Overwatch: Best Heroes Tier List Rankings - September 2016

Tier 1
Lucio Lucio guide Support
Zenyatta Zenyatta guide Support
Reinhardt Reinhardt guide Tank

Tier 2
McCree McCree guide Offense
Reaper Reaper guide Offense
Roadhog Roadhog guide Tank
Zarya Zarya guide Tank

If that list is supposed to be with 'more casual' play in mind, it's rather odd that they have lucio and zen at "tier 1" and mercy in 3, with widow and winston. Mercy is the default healer in pretty much every 'casual' game around, lucio there as backup. Zen doesn't come into his own unless in the hands of a skilled player. In that situation he's a potent addition, but I'd much rather see a Mercy on the side in a casual match as a focused healer, with Zen there for 'backup' heals.

I'd also rate Mei a whole lot higher than they have - she's a phenomenal defender, especially now with her S2 buffs..
lucio/zen or lucio/ana have more damage potential. mercy is meh. maybe i'm just tired of seeing mercy POTGs for a duo rez and jobbing my triple deadeyes on the point or maybe i'm tired of being rezzed into stacked ULTs but mercy can suck a dick.
Zen/Ana ftw on capture point maps and hybrids, Lucio/Zen for KOTH.

I don't think Mercy will be viable in comp until they change up her mechanics.
the game revolves around building and using ults and mercy has an amazing ult to undo tempo gained by opponents ults. sound barrier can be overcome and mistimed, transcendence does not protect against big burst.
lucio/zen or lucio/ana have more damage potential. mercy is meh. maybe i'm just tired of seeing mercy POTGs for a duo rez and jobbing my triple deadeyes on the point or maybe i'm tired of being rezzed into stacked ULTs but mercy can suck a dick.

In good teams, sure. In 'pro' games, sure. Thing is that that article seems to be suggesting it's intended towards casual games..
We also lean somewhat in our rankings towards playing with other random players, rather than team builds favoured by tightly coordinated competitive teams. When you have a group of friends working together and communicating, it goes without saying that anything is possible.

As I said - a well played zen or ana is certainly an asset... but if played like the majority of 'casual' players tend to play them (in my experience, at any rate), they're a waste of space. Anas forgetting to heal, Zens throwing an orb on someone then just playing offense as well. At least someone playing Mercy remembers they're there first and foremost to keep their teammates going.

As to POTGs.. yeah, it's broke. Stop caring about it ;)
In good teams, sure. In 'pro' games, sure. Thing is that that article seems to be suggesting it's intended towards casual games..

As I said - a well played zen or ana is certainly an asset... but if played like the majority of 'casual' players tend to play them (in my experience, at any rate), they're a waste of space. Anas forgetting to heal, Zens throwing an orb on someone then just playing offense as well. At least someone playing Mercy remembers they're there first and foremost to keep their teammates going.

As to POTGs.. yeah, it's broke. Stop caring about it ;)

Mercy is only there to keep teammates alive. She is made of glass and cannot be used effectively for DPS. A healer like Zen or Lucio is way more beneficial, as they can focus on healing most of the match and contribute to team damage as necessary. I agree that DPS can't be their entire focus, but I'd much rather have the Lucio/Zen or Ana/Zen combo when it comes to supports, especially in comp.

I've also seen too many Mercy players res four teammates into a flurry of ults on the last push to be able to trust them.
It depends on your teammates and opponents.

Games are determined usually by sequences that last like 15 seconds. Anyone can be the impact player. Being able to do damage doesn't mean shit if it doesn't lead to a win.

Just keep doing damage so their healers can build ult.
Then whine when you lose due to well timed rez lol.
Mercy is only there to keep teammates alive. She is made of glass and cannot be used effectively for DPS. A healer like Zen or Lucio is way more beneficial, as they can focus on healing most of the match and contribute to team damage as necessary. I agree that DPS can't be their entire focus, but I'd much rather have the Lucio/Zen or Ana/Zen combo when it comes to supports, especially in comp.

I've also seen too many Mercy players res four teammates into a flurry of ults on the last push to be able to trust them.

6 players outputting damage is better than 5. i mercy's heal had a small AoE arc to nearby (to the heal target) splash healing at a reduced rate she would be better. mccree can double headshot drop all but tanks bastion and possibly a reaper even with a mercy healing them.

ana can block zen's ulti with a short CD.

both ana and zen can be a good distance from their heal target and still heal for quite a bit.

mercy is the healer of choice for bad players. that said, SOOO many bad players play ana.