[Release Thread] Overwatch

It comes with its own frustrations but I think I like the Quick play format more. If a game blows, at least it only blows for like 6 minutes.
Yeah I hate how the competitive system is setup. Why do I need 4-5 rounds of the same map? I had a match the other day where it just kept going because each side kept hitting Overtime before pushing the cart to the end of the stage. It kept restarting us both with 1 minute left to do it over and over again. Why not just get rid of Overtime (for Round 3+) and just make it whoever pushed farther in that 1 minute? :psyduck:
Well, I'm FUCKED!

I was at ~2970 or some such. One game away, on a sick streak!

And then... eight fucking losses in a row! Now I'm something like 1W/2L in my last ten.

Holy shit, I'm down 200 fuckin' points! OH MY GOD!
if you lose like 2-3 in a row just take a break.
you get into feeling like you need a win to break your bad streak and then keep streaking.
He's too much of a glass cannon with no utility. Really easy to counter in all but the most dedicated turtle comps. Blizzard broke him with their (well deserved but harsh) nerfs in beta and haven't really touched him since.

I think he'd be better off going back to being invulnerable from the front (but only being able to spin 90-180 degrees vs the 360 he has now). Then you could at least be useful with proper placement (but then he'd go back to absolutely dominating newbs).
he's an all in kinda character.
your team needs to be on the same page or he's really just too vulnerable.

and then if he dies everything falls apart so most random teams don't want to take that chance.

he needs to be tweaked. i think he should have ult more often and his non-sentry form should be a little stronger. maybe he could be tankier in recon mode so he's not a one trick pony.
bastion is used in tourneys, but to pull it off you really need the right coordination... plus its more of a 1 time pick suprise factor to get a few picks on certain points.

if anything, bastion on attack is safer than on defense :)
Bastion riding the payload can be all sorts of fun, particularly if the rest of the team is in on it and shielding/healing(/boosting!)/covering flanks. But yes, he's shutdown very simply by all sorts of characters if they're actually paying attention.
Last 4 games in the 2500-2600 area all with widow mains. All 4 loses. Why do ppl insist on playing shit heroes?

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Well I'm finally back to winning again in comp so maybe things have settled down. Now to work my way back to platinum level and maybe even diamond. There's absolutely no way I would ever go above that though.
widow is fine depending on the team comp.
both yours and theres.
she can be redundant or unneeded but that's way better than an autolock imo.
Yup - depending on situation, a well-played Widow can add that extra dimension of annoyance to really mess a team up. Honestly, that goes for any char though. As long as it's not something utterly stupid, not every character has to perfectly "fit the meta" (and dear god I hate using that word).
Ok so being brand new who should I focus on, and I hate healing. My wife plays the healers. I like dps and sniping etc. I havr played that dude with the walking shield and was good at it but it wasn't much fun. This kind of game makes me realize that I'm not so into competition as I am having fun.
Ok so being brand new who should I focus on, and I hate healing. My wife plays the healers. I like dps and sniping etc. I havr played that dude with the walking shield and was good at it but it wasn't much fun. This kind of game makes me realize that I'm not so into competition as I am having fun.

You are what's known in gaming circles as a "selfish cunt".

everyone likes the pew pew DPS classes, and everyone likes to think they can be mr godly American Sniper Dude. Most fall insanely short of the mark.

That said, if you're 'traditional FPS' kinda guy, you'll probably find Soldier 76, Reaper and Pharah all enjoyable, though Pharah seems a little weaker to me at the moment, and the first two can also self-heal. You really should also try messing with some of the other classes to fill in roles and be an actual team player. I find Roadhog a very enjoyable tank, and Lucio is a good choice for a healer that doesn't want to have to feel like they're missing out on the fun. Neither is too complicated to get the basics of. If you think yourself a sniper, try out Ana but for the love of god don't forget you're supposed to be healing first and foremost.

As you play you'll run into enemy players that show up at the worst possible moment from the worst possible place, and make your life miserable. Pay attention to how they play and how they work with and around their teammates to do that. Learn from that and you should pick up how the other, less "standard" characters and their abilities can be used.
if you like the sniping kind of play but widow or hanzo don't interest you too much try roadhog.

he's basically a tanky assassin. you get melted if people focus you but if they can't or don't you can loiter forever and one combo kill any 200hp character in the game easily.
Torbjorn is not bad for beginner as long as you actually play and dont just stand near your turret. His left click is the real deal.

Reaper is ok early on but you will be bad until you learn the maps.

Junkrat can be good for newbs too.