[Release Thread] Overwatch

Well I made a terrible mistake, for science. :idea:

Last season I solo queued every competitive placement match with Reinhardt and made it to rank 59 (which is almost Diamond this season).

This season to see if it was as bad as everyone said, I did everything exactly the same. All 10 matches with Reinhardt and I ended up in Gold with a rank of 2200 something.

Either I caught a case of terrible since last season, Blizzard really did do something with the matchmaking, or 10 matches is too small of a sample to accurately place you at your proper rank (so you basically should expect to have to play a shit ton of games after placement to earn your proper rank).

Or maybe all of the above. :weird:
IMO, the good tanks - statistically speaking - are all supported by good DPS and good supports. so the top 5% of all rein players are getting X firestrike kills, Y charge kills, Z earthshatter kills etc and you just can't even get close to those numbers without a good team around you. because of that, the placement system is very hard on tanks, rein specifically.

i'm currently 0-6 on reinhardt and i'm pretty good with him.

DPS on the other hand, as long as you can aim and keep a high elim:death ratio the system thinks you're 2legit.

it is much easier to do well in terms of placement within the rest of the dps players in the uncontrolled environment of soloq than tank IMO. zarya is about the only exception there, maybe roadhog.

I went 5-1 earlier and clawed my way to 2403. Still ~150 points down from placement but as long as i can continue with my recent trend of winning more than losing i should be able to reach diamond soon.

feels to me like most of the awfuls have slid well below me at this point. past two times playing the games have felt better over all.
10 matches is of course too small. it's just a place to start, that's all.

from there you should find where you more accurately belong and then if you improve your play should be able to climb.

everyone who isn't on a top team makes plenty of mistakes and the lower you are the more you make. i focused on just improving what i could do with lucio.

any character can be the game winner. it only takes a few good plays to win. as long as you improve your technical ability and knowledge/awareness you will go up in rank.
i was at 2490 like 3 days ago... now at 2100 lol

but much of it is due to me leaving early (right after win/loss msg) thinking it was ok, except theres some bug that still treats it as a leave. qq
Yeah it's obvious that playing a tank/support when you're solo is a bad idea. I'm doing much better now that I'm going offensive (Soldier).


Interesting to see that the eliminations/minute are almost the same although the K/D ratio is skewed heavily towards the offensive character (probably because matches end much faster instead of them being drawn out while I stand there with my shield up).

Speaking of which, do people seriously not play tanks in competitive? How else am I in the top 1% of blockers with 10 games? lol


That just proves the whole individual ranking thing is BS. Sure it might give you a small bonus if you do well, but if my stats somehow place me in the top 100-200 Reinhardts and I'm still getting stuck at 2200 ranking, they're full of it. :weird:
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I really hate the matchmaking in this game, it really just swings your perceived skill wildly based on previous games causing everything to be a mismatch. People are so bad at having the lead, it's like as soon as you get a 2-0 KotH match everybody on your team thinks they are the reason and decide they are going to roam the map solo.
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Matchmaking doesn't work...

In any game that's ever had it...

Ever. And it never will.

Granted a person's skill is necessary, however it's not indicative of their placement etc etc.

That's why I always hated ranked bullshit. Ever since Dota 2. I was really damn good at that game and couldn't climb for shit cuz the crapass teammates i'd get stuck with picking heros that weren't relevant to the situation.

Same is happening with this game.

Quickplay has wayyy more entertaining and close matches than the ranked system. That's sad.
xcept... the high elo are def better than low elo. so it does work... in most games at least. and its been proven countless times, where high tier players would smurf on a new acct... and have like 90% WR. your argument is all i hear from bottom tier players stuck in denial

simply put, if you cant carry out of your elo you belong there.
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Matchmaking doesn't work...

In any game that's ever had it...

Ever. And it never will.

Granted a person's skill is necessary, however it's not indicative of their placement etc etc.

That's why I always hated ranked bullshit. Ever since Dota 2. I was really damn good at that game and couldn't climb for shit cuz the crapass teammates i'd get stuck with picking heros that weren't relevant to the situation.

Same is happening with this game.

Quickplay has wayyy more entertaining and close matches than the ranked system. That's sad.

If you think quick play is better than comp then you're doing something wrong.
lol nicodumbass can't understand the difference btw ranked and qp

did my placements last night and it was aggravating as ever. they seem to toss anyone with you I had players that were playing bastion...and ever mccree on my team's would ult and kill no one. one match I had to swap from Zen to tracer, on defense, because our team couldn't kill anything. after they all started whining about me switching I ended up gold elims and we won.

we had a couple good games but for the most part they stick retards with you and ruin games.
Im getting tired of playing a half hour game that ends in a draw, what a waste of everyones time
had a great one on hanamura last night. we won in last chance overtime 5-4 match took forever and coulda swore it was going to be a draw but muh death blossom cleared the point and the overtime thing at the top burned down.
ok so what's the result if it is a win? that you get points that place you into higher mmr.
so if you don't get points that increase your mmr it's a waste of time?

do you like to play the game?

i will never understand this perspective. you're not supposed to just get points. you didn't win, why the fuck should you get anything? you proved you're EXACTLY in the right spot according to the system.
Some mad Dunning-Kruger going on in this thread.

The problem with match making and ELO in a team based setting is just variance. Compare to a 1v1 game like Chess or SC, where say a 20% better player will win 95% of the time (bullshit made-up numbers). In OW, if you are 20% better than all 11 other players, its probably more like 60%.

So really you just need to grind more, and if you actually are better than where you are ranked you will rise eventually. It will just take a lot of games which is why its so frustrating.

You can achieve Competitive Zen Nirvana by treating your games in one of three ways:

(1) Accept and chill the fuck out on games where you will lose no matter how well you play.
(2) Have gratitude for the games where you will win no matter how poorly you play
(3) Do everything you can to win the games where YOUR play can make the difference. Try to actually recognize games where you had that chance but YOU FUCKED up and learn from it. Didn't use that ult right, didn't call out the hero swap, didn't call for the ult combo push, etc.

(1) and (2) will even out over large numbers, focus on (3) and git gud.

And if you're actually good, the odds are in your favor - if there is a shitter(s) in the game, 5 chances for it be on your team vs 6 chances its on the other team. Over the long run if it doesn't seem that way, you are probably the shitter.

The problem happens when you get 3 games in a row that look like (1) and you tilt like crazy, which usually leads YOU to fucking up those winnable games.
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